dark sector with transversal interaction
Luis P. Chimento, Martín G. Richarte.
Feb 25, 2014.
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vacuum energy in the dark sector
L.P. Chimento, S. Carneiro. Feb 10, 2014.
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dark sector with variable vacuum energy
Luis P. Chimento, Martín G. Richarte,
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Nonbaryonic dark matter and scalar field coupled with a transversal
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Dark radiation and dark matter coupled to holographic
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Modified holographic Ricci
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Proceedings, I CosmoSul:
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de Janeiro, Brazil, August 1-5, 2011
Jailson Alcaniz
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matter, dark energy, and dark radiation coupled with a transversal interaction
Luis P. Chimento and Martin G. Richarte
Phys. Rev. D 86, 103501, (2012). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.103501 arXiv:1210.5505 [gr-qc]
matter and Ricci-like holographic dark energy coupled through a quadratic
Luis P. Chimento and Martin G. Richarte
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Conference: C11-08-01.7 arXiv:1207.1121 [astro-ph.CO]
Form invariance symmetry generates a large set of FRW cosmologies
Luis P. Chimento, Martin G. Richarte and Ivan E. Sanchez G.
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Interacting dark matter and modified holographic Ricci dark energy plus a
noninteracting cosmic component
Luis P. Chimento and Martin G. Richarte
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Holographic dark energy linearly interacting with dark
Luis P. Chimento, Martin G. Richarte and Mónica Forte.
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39-44, DOI: 10.1063/1.4756809
Conference: C11-08-01.7 arXiv:1206.0179v1 [gr-qc]
Exactly solved models of interacting dark matter and dark energy
Luis P. Chimento
AIP Conf.Proc. 1471 (2011) 30-38, DOI: 10.1063/1.4756808
Conference: C11-08-01.7 arXiv:1204.5797v1 [gr-qc]
Fermionic cosmologies
L.P. Chimento, F.P.
Devecchi, M. Forte, G.M. Kremer, M.O.
Ribas, L.L. Samojeden. 10 pp.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 306 (2011) 012052, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/306/1/012052
A modified Ricci scalar
as an interacting model of holographic dark energy.
Luis P. Chimento,
Mónica Forte and Martín G. Richarte
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Crossing the phantom divide with a classical Dirac field
Mauricio Cataldo and Luis P. Chimento,
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Enhanced Inflation in the Dirac-Born-Infeld
L.P Chimento, R. Lazkoz and
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Comments on Unified dark energy and dark matter from a scalar field
different from quintessence
Luis P. Chimento and Mónica Forte
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DBI models for the unification of dark matter and dark
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I Sendra. 4pp. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 229 (2010) 012068,
DBI models for the unification
of dark matter and dark energy
Luis P. Chimento,
Ruth Lazkoz, Irene Sendra. AIP Conf.Proc. 1241 (2010) 776-783,
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k-essence in the DGP brane-world
Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez and Luis P. Chimento
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k-essence and extended tachyons in brane-worlds
Luis P. Chimento and Martín G. Richarte.
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Linear and nonlinear interactions in the dark sector
Chimento Luis P.
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Crossing the phantom divide with k-essence in brane-worlds
Luis P Chimento,
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k-essence and tachyons in brane-worlds.
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DBI models for the unification of dark matter and dark energy.
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Tachyon and Quintessence Brane-World Universe.
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Internal space structure
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Tachyonization of the $\La$CDM cosmological model
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Internal symmetries in homogeneous and isotropy universes
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Cosmological model with interactions in the dark
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Bridging geometries and potentials in DBI cosmologies
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Unifying dark components and crossing the phantom
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Phantom cosmologies and fermions
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Unified model of baryonic matter and dark components
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Duality invariance and cosmological dynamics
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Anisotropic k-essence cosmologies
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Dark matter to dark energy
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