program sumatory c....... This program calculates the sumatory S=Sum(1/i) c **** WITH subroutines **** c....... variables declaration implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) parameter (mxpoints=100000) !! npoints: points in x common/blocksum/sumasc(0:mxpoints+1),sumdesc(0:mxpoints+1), + npoints print*,'Sumatory of 1/i from 1 to Npoints' 50 print*,' ' print*,' give the number of points Npoints: (le.0 to exit)' read*,npoints c...... test for quit if (npoints.le.0) go to 500 c...... test for dimensions if ( then print*,' the maximum number of points should be '// + ' smaller than ',mxpoints go to 50 endif c....... initialization call loopsum go to 50 500 stop end c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine loopsum implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) c....... loop for sumatory and print parameter (mxpoints=100000) common/blocksum/sumasc(0:mxpoints+1),sumdesc(0:mxpoints+1), + npoints open(unit=10,file='sumatory.dat',status='unknown') call initialization(0) c....... main loop do 100 i=1,npoints c....... initialization call initialization(i) c....... sumatory in ascendent order call calcsumatory(i,1) c....... sumatory in descendent order call calcsumatory(i,2) c....... print results call printresults(i) 100 continue print*,'Sum(1/i) for ',npoints,': ascendent=:', + sumasc(npoints),' descendent=:',sumdesc(1) close(unit=10) return end c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine initialization(i) implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) c....... initialization of variables parameter (mxpoints=100000) common/blocksum/sumasc(0:mxpoints+1),sumdesc(0:mxpoints+1), + npoints c....... ascendent order sumasc(i) = 0.0 c....... descendent order j = npoints-i+1 sumdesc(j) = 0.0 return end c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine calcsumatory(i,idirection) implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) c....... sumatory in ascendent order parameter (mxpoints=100000) common/blocksum/sumasc(0:mxpoints+1),sumdesc(0:mxpoints+1), + npoints c....... sumatory in ascendent order if (idirection.eq.1) then sumasc(i) = sumasc(i-1) + 1.0/i else c....... sumatory in descendent order j = npoints-i+1 sumdesc(j) = sumdesc(j+1) + 1.0/j endif return end c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine printresults(i) implicit real*4(a-h,o-z) c....... print results on 'sumatory.dat' parameter (mxpoints=100000) common/blocksum/sumasc(0:mxpoints+1),sumdesc(0:mxpoints+1), + npoints j = npoints-i+1 write(10,425) i,sumasc(i),sumdesc(j) 425 format(5x,i6,2(5x,f15.6)) return end c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c