program fourier implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c.......simple inverse slow-Fourier transform of a Gaussian wavepacket Yx c by Dario Mitnik c Yk(m+1) = Sum{j=0;N-1} Yx(j+1) exp(-2Pi eye j*m/N) parameter (mxpts=5000) complex*16 Yk(mxpts),Yx(mxpts),wavepacket complex*16 eye,zero,phasetr data rzero,one,two/0.0d0,1.0d0,2.0d0/ common /bckph/twopi,dx,apot,wpot,rk,npts common/bckdat/eye,pi c.......Initialization of variables pi = two*asin(one) twopi = two*pi evtoau = 2.0*13.605698 eye = cmplx(rzero,one) zero = cmplx(rzero,rzero) lq=0 c........input data c typical case: npts=500; dx=0.5; wpot=10; apot=125; ien=30eV npts = mxpts 10 print*,' give number of points :' read*,npts if ( then print*,' the maximum value allowed is ',mxpts go to 10 endif print*,' give the grid step interval :' read*,dx print*,' input function Yt(j+1)=Gauss(K0,wpot,apot)' print*,' give the packet spatial width (wpot) in a.u. :' read*,wpot print*,' give the packet spatial localization (apot) in a.u.' read*,apot print*,' energy (1) or momentum (0) of the wavepacket?' read*,ien if (ien.eq.0) then print*,' give the momentum K0 of the wavepacket in a.u.' read*,rk ekin = ((rk**2)/two )* evtoau print*,' E (eV) = :',ekin else print*,' give the energy of the wavepacket in eV' read*,ekin eau = ekin/evtoau rk = sqrt(two*eau) print*,' k (a.u.) =:',rk endif xmax = dx*npts files open(unit=9,file='Yx.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=10,file='Yx2.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=11,file='Yk2.dat',status='unknown') open(unit=12,file='Yener2.dat',status='unknown') c.......first calculate the function Y in space domine do 20 i=1,npts Yx(i) = wavepacket(i,apot,wpot,rk,dx,lq) 20 continue c.......main loop for the transformation do 100 k=0,npts-1 Yk(k+1) = zero do 50 j=0,npts-1 phasetr = twopi*eye*j*k/npts Yk(k+1) = Yk(k+1) + Yx(j+1)*exp(phasetr) 50 continue c.........print results ryx = dble(Yx(k+1)) riyx=dimag(Yx(k+1)) ryxm=cdabs(Yx(k+1)) ryk = dble(Yk(k+1)) riyk=dimag(Yk(k+1)) rykm=cdabs(Yk(k+1)) if ( rykm=rzero if ( ryxm=rzero write(9,999) k*dx,ryxm,ryx,riyx write(10,999) k*dx,ryxm**2,ryx,riyx c.........scale factor k --> k/(dx*N) c......... (remember: needs a 2Pi factor because k is in fact lambda) rkmx = twopi/dx rscale = npts/rkmx rkk = k/rscale ener = (rkk**2)/2.0 ener = ener*evtoau write(11,999) rkk,rykm**2,ryk,riyk write(12,999) ener,rykm**2,ryk,riyk 100 continue 999 format(4(1pg12.4,2x)) stop end c c****************************************************************** c complex*16 function wavepacket(i,apot,wpot,ek,dx,lq) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c.......construct a Gaussian function complex*16 hank,eye common/bckdat/eye,pi data rzero,one,two/0.0d0,1.0d0,2.0d0/ x = i*dx f1=one/dsqrt(wpot*dsqrt(pi)) gauss= f1*exp(-(x-apot)**2/(two*wpot**2)) hank = exp(-eye*ek*x+eye*pi*lq/two) wavepacket = gauss*hank return end