program eigensolver c-------generate eigenvalues and eigenvectors using TQLI subroutine c....... TRIDIAGONAL MATRIX c....... by Dario Mitnik c.......Parameters: c mxpts: max number of rmesh points parameter (mxpts=10) common/bkmesh/npts open(unit=10,file='eigvalues.out',status='unknown') 5 print*,'give the rank of the matrix:' read*,npts if( then print*,' rank should be less than :',mxpts+1 go to 5 endif c...... construction of Matrix call constrM c....... diagonalization call diagM c....... output call printM stop end c c************************************************************************** c subroutine constrM c-------Generates the Tri-diagonal Matrix parameter (mxpts=10) common/bkmesh/npts common/bkhamilt/d(mxpts),e(mxpts) dimension row(npts) c-------construct Matrix on the grid c.......diagonal terms print*,' give a list of the diagonal elements' read*, (d(i), i=1,npts) c.......non-diagonal terms print*,' give a list of the non-diagonal elements' read*, (e(i), i=1,npts-1) c....... display matrix do 10 irow=1,npts do 20 jcol=1,npts row(jcol) = 0 if (jcol.eq.irow-1) row(jcol) = e(irow-1) if (jcol.eq.irow) row(jcol) = d(irow) if (jcol.eq.irow+1) row(jcol) = e(irow) 20 continue print99, (row(jcol),jcol=1,npts) 10 continue 99 format(10(2x,f9.3)) c....... special correction for tqli only do 150 i=npts,2,-1 e(i)=e(i-1) 150 continue e(1)=0 return end c c************************************************************************** c subroutine diagM c------- Matrix diagonalization. c------- Also stores the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. parameter (mxpts=10) common/bkmesh/npts common/bkhamilt/d(mxpts),e(mxpts) dimension v(mxpts,mxpts) ! eigenvectors common/bkeigen/ener(mxpts),chi(mxpts,mxpts) dimension work(5*mxpts) data zero,one/0.0,1.0/ c----------matrix diagonalization c.....lapack call sstev('V',npts,d,e,v,mxpts,work,ifail) call tqli(d,e,npts,mxpts,v) c------ store all bound state wavefunctions do 50 nq=1,npts ener(nq) = d(nq) print45, nq,ener(nq) 45 format(5x,'n =:',i3,10x,'eigenvalue =:',f15.4) do 20 irow=1,npts 20 chi(nq,irow)=v(irow,nq) 50 continue return end c c************************************************************************** c subroutine printM c-------Prints the energies and selected wavefunctions. parameter (mxpts=10) common/bkmesh/npts common/bkeigen/ener(mxpts),chi(mxpts,mxpts) character*30 outputfile write(10,5) 5 format(/5x,'Results: ') do 20 nq=1,npts write(10,45) nq,ener(nq) 20 continue 45 format(5x,'n =:',i5,10x,'eigenvalue =: ',f15.4) inptfile = 11 outputfile(1:5) = 'eigv.' 50 format(a25) 100 print*,'give the name of the output file (extension only)' read(*,50) outputfile(6:30) 52 print*,' give the eigenvalue number:' read*, nq open(unit=inptfile,file=outputfile,status='unknown') do 75 irow=1,npts 75 write(inptfile,*) irow,' ',chi(nq,irow) inptfile = inptfile+1 if ( inptfile = 11 print*,' continue? (no=0) ' read*,icont if ( go to 100 return end c c************************************************************************** c