program hydrogen c-------generate a complete set of hydrogenic orbitals c....... by Dario Mitnik c.......Parameters: c mxpts: max number of pmesh points parameter (mxpts=500,mxlq=10) common/bkdata/ lej,izeff common/bkmesh/pmin,pmax,hp,npmesh open(unit=10,file='hydrogen.out',status='unknown') write(10,5) write(10,6) 5 format(/10x,'Hydrogenic energies and wavefunctions:') 6 format(10x,38('-')) c-------wavefunction parameters c.......lej--maximum angular momentum print*,'give the maximum angular momentum: ' read*, lej write(10,10) lej 10 format(/5x,'Maximum angular momentum lmax=: ',i5) if ( pause 'increase mxlq parameter' c-------pspace integration parameters c.......hp--pspace integration interval c.......npmesh--number of total pmesh steps c.......pmesh--pmesh points c.......pmin=0.0, pmax=npmesh*hp c.......pmesh(1)=pmin+hp, pmesh(npmesh)=pmax print*,'give the pspace integration interval (hp):' read*,hp print*,'give the number of total steps (npmesh) (max=',mxpts,')' read*,npmesh write(10,20), hp,npmesh 20 format(5x,'hp=:',f10.4,2x,'npmesh=:',i5) if( pause 'increase mxpts parameter' pmin=0.0 pmax=npmesh*hp write(10,30) pmin,pmax 30 format(5x,'pmin=:',f10.4,5x,'pmax=:',f10.4) c.......izeff--effective atomic number print*,'give the effective atomic number:' read*,izeff write(10,40) izeff 40 format(5x,'Effective atomic number izeff=:',i3) c-------construct complete set of orbitals write(10,50) 50 format(//5x,"Constructing complete set of orbitals") write(10,*) ' ' call initH c-------loop over angular momentum do 100 lq=0,lej print*,'l=: ',lq fll=float(lq) call constrH(fll) call diagH(lq) 100 continue call printH stop end c--------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine initH c-------Generates Coulomb potential on the grid. parameter (mxpts=500) common/bkdata/ lej,izeff common/bkmesh/pmin,pmax,hp,npmesh common/bkpot/pmesh(mxpts),vpot(mxpts) common/bkhconst/r1,r2 data half,one,two/0.5,1.0,2.0/ c Constant usefull in the Hamiltonian generation. l-independent r1 = one/hp**2 r2 =-half/hp**2 do 10 i=1,npmesh pmesh(i) = i*hp c.............. Coulomb potential vpot(i)=-one*izeff/pmesh(i) 10 continue return end c--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine constrH(fll) c-------Generates the Hamiltonian. parameter (mxpts=500) common/bkdata/ lej,izeff common/bkmesh/pmin,pmax,hp,npmesh common/bkpot/pmesh(mxpts),vpot(mxpts) common/bkhamilt/d(mxpts),e(mxpts) common/bkhconst/r1,r2 data one,two/1.0,2.0/ c.......The non/diagonal parts of the hamiltonian are destroyed for c every call to diag. Therefore, they are generated again, in c spite they are l-independent. c r1 = one/hp**2 c r2 =-half/hp**2 c-----------construct hamiltonian on the grid do 40 i=1,npmesh c...............diagonal terms veff=vpot(i)+fll*(fll+one)/(two*pmesh(i)**2) d(i)= r1 + veff c...............non-diagonal terms e(i)=r2 40 continue return end c--------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine diagH(lq) c------- Matrix diagonalization. c------- Also stores the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. parameter (mxpts=500,mxlq=10) common/bkmesh/pmin,pmax,hp,npmesh common/bkhamilt/d(mxpts),e(mxpts) c d(mxpts) ! diagonal part of the Hamiltonian c e(mxpts) ! non-diagonal part of H dimension v(mxpts,mxpts) ! eigenvectors dimension wksp(mxpts),iwksp(mxpts) ! working arrays for sorting common/bkeigen/enerv(mxpts,0:mxlq),chi(mxpts,0:mxlq,mxpts) c chi(n,l,mxpts) ! normalized eigenvectors data zero,one/0.0,1.0/ data autoev/27.2113961/ c----------matrix diagonalization c..........f02ame--calculates all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of c.......... a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix c..........eps--machine precision c.......... CRAY ................... c eps=x02aje() c ifail=0 c call f02ame(npmesh,eps,d,e,v,mxpts,ifail) c if ( pause 'f02ame fails' c.......... SUN ..................... call tqli(d,e,npmesh,mxpts,v) c----------sorting the eigenvectors/values into ascending energies call sort2(npmesh,d,v,mxpts,wksp,iwksp) c------ find and store all bound state wavefunctions nq = lq ! n principal quantum number do 50 icol=1,npmesh sign = one if(d(icol).lt.0.0) then nq = nq + 1 eau = d(icol) enerv(nq,lq) = autoev*eau print45, lq,nq,enerv(nq,lq) 45 format(5x,'l =:',i2,2x,'n =:',i3,5x,'energy =:',f15.4,'eV') c----------------normalization for all bound state wavefunctions sum=zero do 10 irow=1,npmesh 10 sum=sum+v(irow,icol)**2 ptot=hp*sum if(v(1,icol) sign=-one do 20 irow=1,npmesh 20 chi(nq,lq,irow)=sign*v(irow,icol)/sqrt(ptot) end if 50 continue return end c--------------------------------------------------------------- c--------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine printH c-------Prints the energies and selected wavefunctions. parameter (mxpts=500,mxlq=10) common/bkdata/ lej,izeff common/bkmesh/pmin,pmax,hp,npmesh common/bkpot/pmesh(mxpts),vpot(mxpts) common/bkeigen/enerv(mxpts,0:mxlq),chi(mxpts,0:mxlq,mxpts) character*30 outputfile write(10,5) 5 format(/5x,'Results: ') do 20 nq=1,mxpts lmax = min(nq-1,mxlq) if (enerv(nq,0).ge.0.and.enerv(nq,lmax).ge.0) go to 20 write(10,7) nq 7 format(//5x,'Principal quantum number n = : ',i3/) lmax = min(lej,mxlq) do 10 lq=0,lmax if ( go to 10 if (enerv(nq,lq).ge.0) go to 10 write(10,45) nq,lq,enerv(nq,lq) 10 continue 20 continue 45 format(5x,'n =:',i5,5x,'l =:',i5,5x,'energy =: ',f15.4,' eV') inptfile = 11 outputfile(1:5) = 'prad.' 50 format(a25) 100 print*,'give the name of the output file (extension only)' read(*,50) outputfile(6:30) 52 print*,' give the n and l quantum numbers:' read*, nq,lq if ( then print*,'Error !! try again !' go to 52 endif open(unit=inptfile,file=outputfile,status='unknown') c write(inptfile,*) ' Wavefunction for n=:',nq,' l=:',lq c write(inptfile,*) ' ' do 75 irow=1,npmesh 75 write(inptfile,*) pmesh(irow),' ',chi(nq,lq,irow) inptfile = inptfile+1 if ( inptfile = 11 print*,' continue? (no=0) ' read*,icont if ( go to 100 return end c---------------------------------------------------------------