module coefficients integer :: n_levels real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: a, b contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Name: read_coeffs ! ! Notes: Obtain table of coefficients for input by this routine from ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine read_coeffs() implicit none integer :: i, nlvl, istatus open(21,file='ecmwf_coeffs',form='formatted',status='old',iostat=istatus) n_levels = 0 if (istatus /= 0) then write(6,*) 'ERROR: Error opening ecmwf_coeffs' return end if read(21,*,iostat=istatus) nlvl do while (istatus == 0) n_levels = n_levels + 1 read(21,*,iostat=istatus) nlvl end do rewind(21) n_levels = n_levels - 1 allocate(a(0:n_levels)) allocate(b(0:n_levels)) write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'Coefficients for each level:',n_levels do i=0,n_levels read(21,*,iostat=istatus) nlvl, a(i), b(i) write(6,'(i5,5x,f12.6,2x,f12.10)') nlvl, a(i), b(i) end do write(6,*) ' ' close(21) end subroutine read_coeffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Name: cleanup_coeffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine cleanup_coeffs() implicit none n_levels = 0 if (allocated(a)) deallocate(a) if (allocated(b)) deallocate(b) end subroutine cleanup_coeffs end module coefficients !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! calc_ecmwf_p ! ! The purpose of this program is to compute a 3d pressure field for ECMWF ! model-level data sets; the code works in the WPS intermediate file format, ! reading a PSFC field from intermediate files, the A and B coefficients ! from a text file, ecmwf_coeffs, and writes the pressure data to an ! intermediate file. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program calc_ecmwf_p use coefficients use date_pack use gridinfo_module use misc_definitions_module use module_debug use read_met_module use stringutil use write_met_module implicit none ! Local variables integer :: i, idiff, n_times, t, istatus, fg_idx real :: a_full, b_full character (len=19) :: valid_date, temp_date character (len=128) :: input_name real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: psfc real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: tt, qv logical :: is_psfc type (met_data) :: ecmwf_data, p_data, rh_data ! ! Setup (read namelist and check on time range) ! call get_namelist_params() call set_debug_level(WARN) ! Compute number of times that we will process call geth_idts(end_date(1), start_date(1), idiff) call mprintf((idiff < 0),ERROR,'Ending date is earlier than starting date in namelist for domain %i.', i1=1) n_times = idiff / interval_seconds ! Check that the interval evenly divides the range of times to process call mprintf((mod(idiff, interval_seconds) /= 0),WARN, & 'In namelist, interval_seconds does not evenly divide '// & '(end_date - start_date) for domain %i. Only %i time periods '// & 'will be processed.', i1=1, i2=n_times) fg_idx = 1 input_name = fg_name(fg_idx) ! ! Get coefficients for model level pressures ! call read_coeffs() ! ! Loop over all prefixes listed in namelist for fg_name ! do while (input_name /= '*') ! ! Loop over all times to be processed for this domain ! do t=0,n_times ! Get the date string for the current time call geth_newdate(valid_date, trim(start_date(1)), t*interval_seconds) temp_date = ' ' write(temp_date,'(a19)') valid_date(1:10)//'_'//valid_date(12:19) ! Initialize the module for reading in the met fields call read_met_init(trim(input_name), .false., temp_date(1:13), istatus) is_psfc = .false. if (istatus == 0) then call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,'Reading from %s at time %s', s1=input_name, s2=temp_date(1:13)) ! Process all fields and levels from the current file; read_next_met_field() ! will return a non-zero status when there are no more fields to be read. do while (istatus == 0) call read_next_met_field(ecmwf_data, istatus) if (istatus == 0) then ! Have we found either PSFC or LOGSFP? if ((trim(ecmwf_data%field) == 'PSFC' .and. ecmwf_data%xlvl == 200100.) & .or. trim(ecmwf_data%field) == 'LOGSFP') then p_data = ecmwf_data p_data%field = 'PRESSURE ' p_data%desc = 'Pressure' rh_data = ecmwf_data rh_data%field = 'RH ' rh_data%units = '%' rh_data%desc = 'Relative humidity' if (.not. allocated(psfc)) then allocate(psfc(ecmwf_data%nx,ecmwf_data%ny)) end if call mprintf(.true.,STDOUT,'Found %s field in %s:%s', & s1=ecmwf_data%field, s2=input_name, s3=temp_date(1:13)) is_psfc = .true. if (trim(ecmwf_data%field) == 'LOGSFP') then psfc(:,:) = exp(ecmwf_data%slab(:,:)) else psfc(:,:) = ecmwf_data%slab(:,:) end if ! Have we found temperature? else if (trim(ecmwf_data%field) == 'TT') then if (.not. allocated(tt)) then allocate(tt(ecmwf_data%nx,ecmwf_data%ny,n_levels+1)) ! Extra level is for surface end if if (nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) >= 1 .and. & nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) <= n_levels) then tt(:,:,nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl)) = ecmwf_data%slab else if (nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) == 200100) then tt(:,:,n_levels+1) = ecmwf_data%slab end if ! Have we found specific humidity? else if (trim(ecmwf_data%field) == 'SPECHUMD') then if (.not. allocated(qv)) then allocate(qv(ecmwf_data%nx,ecmwf_data%ny,n_levels+1)) ! Extra level is for surface end if if (nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) >= 1 .and. & nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) <= n_levels) then qv(:,:,nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl)) = ecmwf_data%slab else if (nint(ecmwf_data%xlvl) == 200100) then qv(:,:,n_levels+1) = ecmwf_data%slab end if end if if (associated(ecmwf_data%slab)) deallocate(ecmwf_data%slab) end if end do call read_met_close() ! Now write out, for each level, the pressure field if (is_psfc) then allocate(p_data%slab(p_data%nx,p_data%ny)) allocate(rh_data%slab(rh_data%nx,rh_data%ny)) call write_met_init(trim(get_path(input_name))//'PRES', .false., temp_date(1:13), istatus) if (allocated(tt) .and. allocated(qv)) then p_data%xlvl = 200100. p_data%slab = psfc ! Surface RH should be computed from surface DEWPT by ungrib ! rh_data%xlvl = 200100. ! call calc_rh(tt(:,:,n_levels+1), qv(:,:,n_levels+1), psfc, rh_data%slab, rh_data%nx, rh_data%ny) ! call write_next_met_field(rh_data, istatus) call write_next_met_field(p_data, istatus) else call mprintf(.true.,WARN,'Either TT or SPECHUMD not found. No RH will be computed.') end if do i = 1, n_levels a_full = 0.5 * (a(i-1) + a(i)) ! A and B are dimensioned (0:n_levels) b_full = 0.5 * (b(i-1) + b(i)) p_data%xlvl = real(i) p_data%slab = a_full + psfc * b_full if (allocated(tt) .and. allocated(qv)) then rh_data%xlvl = real(i) call calc_rh(tt(:,:,i), qv(:,:,i), p_data%slab, rh_data%slab, rh_data%nx, rh_data%ny) call write_next_met_field(rh_data, istatus) end if call write_next_met_field(p_data, istatus) end do call write_met_close() deallocate(p_data%slab) deallocate(rh_data%slab) end if if (allocated(tt)) deallocate(tt) if (allocated(qv)) deallocate(qv) if (allocated(psfc)) deallocate(psfc) else call mprintf(.true.,ERROR,'Problem opening %s at time %s', s1=input_name, s2=temp_date(1:13)) end if end do fg_idx = fg_idx + 1 input_name = fg_name(fg_idx) end do call cleanup_coeffs() stop end program calc_ecmwf_p subroutine calc_rh(t, qv, p, rh, nx, ny) implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny real, dimension(nx, ny), intent(in) :: t, qv, p real, dimension(nx, ny), intent(out) :: rh ! Constants real, parameter :: svp1=0.6112 real, parameter :: svp2=17.67 real, parameter :: svp3=29.65 real, parameter :: svpt0=273.15 real, parameter :: eps = 0.622 ! Local variables integer :: i, j real :: es, e do j=1,ny do i=1,nx es=svp1*10.*exp(svp2*(t(i,j)-svpt0)/(t(i,j)-svp3)) e=qv(i,j)*p(i,j)/100./(eps+qv(i,j)*(1.-eps)) ! qv is specific humidity rh(i,j) = 100.0 * e/es end do end do end subroutine calc_rh