Matemáticas - mathematics
                   Referencia -reference E= Español  I= Inglés (English) F= Francés

DLMF-Biblioteca Digital de Funciones Especiales - NIST (I) Proyecto del National Institute of Standards and technology (NIST-USA). Versión actualizada y digital del famoso Handbook de Abramowitz & Stegun de 1964. 
Mathematica Resource Library (E/I) Mathematica Resource Library- Wolfram Research- Biblioteca de funciones, tablas de integrales, series, etc. Muy buena.
Marthworld (I/A) Eric Weisstein's world of Mathematics - Wolfram Research Todos sobre matemáticas en Ingles- mUy Bueno
Matemática (E/I) Para aprender matemática razonando.        
Intermat (E) Tablas: derivadas, integrales y más.
Paraíso de las matemáticas           (E) Portal temático muy completo.
Tutorial de geometría elemental         (E) Geometría elemental.
Página web de matemática (E) Álgebra, análisis matemático, estadística.
Universum (E) Juegos matemáticos atractivos.
El profesor en casa (E) Página interactiva de matemática.
Taller de matemáticas (E) Actividades a medida para los alumnos.
Matemática recreativa (E) Problemas de lógica, juegos de ingenio.
Software de geometría (E) Programa Cabri-géomètre.
Programa Derive (I) Herramienta muy potente para cálculo.
Coco calculator (I) Calculadora científica, puede descargarse módulos avanzazados.
Calcul (I) Para desarrollar habilidades mentales en el aula.
Estadística (I) Links2Go  Probability and Statistics-Clay Helberg.
Estadística en General  (I) Vinculo a sitios realcinados
American Statistical Association (A)  Asociación Americana de Estadisticos


Tutoriales y ejercicios

El tutor de matemática   (I)  Una completa base de problemas clasificados por temas y niveles. Ecuaciones, geometría del plano, vectores, trigonometría y programación lineal.
Cabri geometry (I) Consejos e información teórico-práctica acerca de la aplicación informática especializada en geometría.
Números primos (E) Los números primos y curiosidades sobre el tema.
Dudas matemáticas (E) Álgebra, estadística, cálculo financiero.
Estadística (E) La estadística y sus métodos.
Retos matemáticos (E) Recopilación de problemas lógicos. 
Áreas y volúmenes (E) Información teórica y gráficos. Fórmulas.


Portales y servidores

Año Internacional de las Matemáticas    (I)  Sitio  en la red de la UIM-UNESCO.  
Unión Matemática Argentina (E)  
Argenmaticas (E) Portal con recursos de matemática.
Educación matemática (E) Dedicado exclusivamente a la matemática.
Redemat (E) Recopilación de sitios de matemática en la red.
Ask Dr. Math (I) Foros y consultas, pasatiempos y rompecabezas. 
The science explorer (I) Recursos en la red. Muy general.
Albert Einstein (E) Describe el aspecto humano del físico y la posición que tomó frente a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Descartes (F) Uno de los filósofos que más influyó em la evolución de l as matemáticas y de la ciencia en general.



Siproma     (E)  Publicación de la Soc. Iberoamericana para la Promococión de la Matemática y OEA.
Gacetilla matemática (E) Comentarios sobre libros, historia de la matemática, problemas y enlaces.
Revista Matemática Complutense (E/I)  De la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



Clavius (E) Próceres del álgebra: Diofanto de Alejandría, Al-Khwarizmi, Girolano Cardano  y Niccolo Fontana.
Pitágoras y los pitagóricos (E) Vida de Pitágoras, la comunidad pitagórica, el aspecto místico de la doctrina y la relación de la comunidad de seguidores de esta teoría con la ciencia matemática.
Historia de las Matemáticas (E) Breve historia de esta ciencia y biografías de personajes como Arquímedes, Copérnico, Demócrito, Boole, Pitágoras, Pascal y Zenón de Elea.

Más  Matemática principalmente en Inglés


A pre-algebra course for students who have trouble learning math. Provides both a preview and ordering information.

Beauty of Chaos

Provides interactive journey through fractal images. Takes you through most of the database, which consists of hundreds of images.

Ben Cheng's Home Page

Offers a weekly math teaser (which also appears in the journal Matematika) to entertain and stretch your advanced math knowledge. Also presents an art gallery that contains chaos images.

Calculus & Mathematica Home Page

Calculus & Mathematica is a calculus-reform project started at the University of Illinois and Ohio State University. Uses Mathematica, a software package from Wolfram Research, to teach calculus to high school and college students.

Chaos at Maryland

Provides information on the various applications of chaos theory. Includes dimensions, fractal basin boundaries, chaotic scattering, and controlling chaos. Includes online papers, a searchable database, and general references. Also offers the Chaos Gallery.

Chaos Network Sign-In

Offers many links to topics relating to chaos theory, such as fractal mathematics. Recommends books to peruse.


Provides an online catalog for Swedish book publisher, Chartwell-Bratt. Offers English or Swedish databases you can search by title, author, or subject. Includes books on mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

Common Weights and Measures

Contains information on converting to and from metric and United States measurements.

Computational Logic, Inc.

Performs advanced research and development in math modeling of digital hardware and software systems. Includes software and technical reports. Also provides education and consulting services. Offers jumps to university sites that contain information on the mathematical modeling of digital systems.

CPLEX Optimization, Inc. Home Page

Develops large-scale mathematical programming software and services. Provides lists of products and services and offers linear and mixed-integer programming software.

CSC Mathematical Topics

Provides information about mathematical software and guidebooks available at the Center for Scientific Computing (CSC, Finland). Also points to application specialists at CSC for help on specific topics. Provides several kinds of search mechanisms to help find documents. Displays examples of mathematical animations and visualizations made at CSC. Also contains some guidebooks and newsletters published by CSC.

CSC Mathematical Topics: Visualizations

Displays animations (MPG format) of various mathematical theories and areas. Includes Klein bottle, genetic algorithms, Fourier series, and so on.

Data Modeling Web Site

Offers links to many other sites. Builds custom nonlinear curve-fitting software based on your problem.

Dave's Math Links

Provides a Mathcad files library, links to math resources on the Web, and image-processing applications.


Develops tools for database design and reverse engineering.

Dynamical Systems and Technology Project

Provides information on contemporary mathematics, such as fractals and chaos. Includes computer demos, as well as movies on some famous fractal sets.

e-Math Home Page

Home of the American Mathematical Society. Offers professional memberships. Publishes electronic journals, books on math, and the fee-based MathSci database, which features comprehensive coverage of research in mathematics, computer science, and statistics.

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse DCL

Supports improving teaching and learning in math and science in secondary schools. Offers links to other Internet resources. Presents online catalog and databases, as well as a collection of Internet software and information.

Electronic Textbook: Integrated Course in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics

Contains information in the areas of trigonomics, velocity, acceleration, Newton's Laws, chaotic systems, and more.

Fractal Gallery

Presents downloadable color fractal images that show different mathematics problems. Includes the Curve of Von Koch, the Mandelbot Set, and trees, ferns, and mountains.

Fractal Image Compression

Contains links and information regarding fractal image compression. Offers an online bibliography, book reviews, conference announcements, and papers.

Fractal Microscope

Provides information on basic fractals, why they should be discussed, their purposes in the real world, and why supercomputers are necessary for fractals.

Fractals Calendar Home Page

Provides information on obtaining the Fractal Calendar, a calendar specifically designed to show off some of the newer discoveries in fractal mathematics. Also offers previous editions of the calendar.

Fractals Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Contains all of the frequently asked questions about fractals.

Future Graph, Inc. Home Page

Offers many links to math-related sites.

GAMS: Guide to Available Mathematical Software

Gateway to NIST guide to available mathematical software. Allows searching by package name or, more interestingly, by what problem it solves.

Guide to Math Resources

Offers resource jump list to various math resources, including the Latex, Tex, and Maple packages. Also contains jumps to math-related Gopher sites, newsgroups, math institues, and a math software index.

History of Mathematics

Contains biographies of mathematicians, searchable by alphabetical or chronological index (and some include pictures).

IMA WWW Server

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. Provides the newsletter and back issues of the newsletters of this professional organization.

IMSA Home Page

Provides information about the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, a residential public high school for students talented in the fields of math and science.


Lets you import code into Mathematica. Gives users a way to organize and use Mathematica Notebooks. Also displays graphics rendered in Mathematica.

Internet Center for Mathematics Problems

Attempts to identify and list all sources of math puzzles on the Internet. Lists problems from back issues of the Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences and the Fibonacci Quarterly and contains information about other sources of math puzzlers such as newsgroups and books.

Logal Software Home Page

Develops and markets math software for middle school through college.

Math Teaching Assistant

Contains a math tutoring program developed for classroom computer labs aimed at secondary school students.

Mathematica World

Electronic distribution center and support center for various math-related newsletters, most of which are based on Mathematica software.

Mathematics Archives WWW Server

Provides ftp access to shareware and public domain software for teaching math on the college level. Also provides information and software for people interested in math, as well as links to secondary school software. Includes considerable information on software.


A mathematics computer lab. Features downloadable undergraduate level courseware (designed to run under Unix and Mathematica) on geometry, graph theory, and complex analysis.

MathSearch—Search a Collection of Mathematical Web Material

Allows you to search a collection of over 19,000 documents on mathematics and statistics servers.

MathSoft Home Page

Offers technical support, news, and product catalog.

MathSolutions, Inc. Home Page

Distributes MathTensor, an add-on for Mathematica that performs tensor analysis. Also provides links to resources and offers papers.

MathSource Home Page

Provides a collection of downloadable Mathematica packages, notebooks, examples, and programs. Offers list
of related Web sites.

MathType Home Page

Houses an equation editor for Mac and Windows machines. Offers technical support, registration, and product information.

MathWorks Home Page

Offers MATLAB, a high-end mathematics software package, as well as links to jobs, news, and books. Provides information on the Pentium chip flaw. Also presents products and services and an online copy of the MATLAB newsletter.

More Fractal Pictures

Serves as a resource for fractal images that show the concepts of chaos theory (geared to grades K through 12).

Netlib Repository at UTK/ORNL

Contains a large number of downloadable math-related programs (most of the software is shareware). Contains papers about different research on mathematical topics, many of which involve computers. Also offers links to other math-related databases.

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.

Produces numerical, symbolic, statistical, and visualization software for science, engineering, financial analysis, and research.

Online Image Archiver

Presents math-related images, such as Mobius strips and Kleinband.

Precision Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology/ Measurement

Offers precision large-scale measurement, typically dimensional measurements with .001 inch accuracy.

Principia Consulting Home Page

Offers training on Mathematica; gives Mathematica support; and does custom programming. Lists fees and availability of training. Provides information on fine-tuning performance with Mathematica.

Quantum Books Home Page

Online technical bookstore. Specializes in computer topics such as the Internet, programming, and graphics, as well as in books pertaining to mathematics and physics.

Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc.

Offers scientific computing software. Provides information on MathTensor, Schur, and Mathematica. Also offers consulting, which includes porting software to Sun systems. Offers links to Mathgroup, a Mathematica support group.

TMP at Imperial College London

Uses Mathematica to make learning modules for first year university science and engineering students. Provides learning modules for calculus, algebra, matrices, and so on.

Transmath—A CBL Mathematics Tutor

Offers mathematics courseware using Toolbook (hypertext) documents with Microsoft Windows. Provides instruction on algebra, matrices, vectors, and sequences.

Union Mathematica Argentina

Organizes workshops, talks, meetings, and conferences, and edits several magazines in mathematics and education.

Video Vita

Produces “edutainment” products in mathematics, science, and technology. Offers an online video sample.

Waterloo Fractal Compression Page

Provides information on fractal compression software and papers on fractal compression.

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics

Provides links to all things mathematical. Includes jumps to math software, gophers, newsgroups, electronic journals, preprints, bibliographies, TeX Archives, and high school and university math sites.




A pre-algebra course for students who have trouble learning math. Provides both a preview and ordering information.

Beauty of Chaos

Provides interactive journey through fractal images. Takes you through most of the database, which consists of hundreds of images.

Ben Cheng's Home Page

Offers a weekly math teaser (which also appears in the journal Matematika) to entertain and stretch your advanced math knowledge. Also presents an art gallery that contains chaos images.

Calculus & Mathematica Home Page

Calculus & Mathematica is a calculus-reform project started at the University of Illinois and Ohio State University. Uses Mathematica, a software package from Wolfram Research, to teach calculus to high school and college students.

Chaos at Maryland

Provides information on the various applications of chaos theory. Includes dimensions, fractal basin boundaries, chaotic scattering, and controlling chaos. Includes online papers, a searchable database, and general references. Also offers the Chaos Gallery.

Chaos Network Sign-In

Offers many links to topics relating to chaos theory, such as fractal mathematics. Recommends books to peruse.


Provides an online catalog for Swedish book publisher, Chartwell-Bratt. Offers English or Swedish databases you can search by title, author, or subject. Includes books on mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

Common Weights and Measures

Contains information on converting to and from metric and United States measurements.

Computational Logic, Inc.

Performs advanced research and development in math modeling of digital hardware and software systems. Includes software and technical reports. Also provides education and consulting services. Offers jumps to university sites that contain information on the mathematical modeling of digital systems.

CPLEX Optimization, Inc. Home Page

Develops large-scale mathematical programming software and services. Provides lists of products and services and offers linear and mixed-integer programming software.

CSC Mathematical Topics

Provides information about mathematical software and guidebooks available at the Center for Scientific Computing (CSC, Finland). Also points to application specialists at CSC for help on specific topics. Provides several kinds of search mechanisms to help find documents. Displays examples of mathematical animations and visualizations made at CSC. Also contains some guidebooks and newsletters published by CSC.

CSC Mathematical Topics: Visualizations

Displays animations (MPG format) of various mathematical theories and areas. Includes Klein bottle, genetic algorithms, Fourier series, and so on.

Data Modeling Web Site

Offers links to many other sites. Builds custom nonlinear curve-fitting software based on your problem.

Dave's Math Links

Provides a Mathcad files library, links to math resources on the Web, and image-processing applications.


Develops tools for database design and reverse engineering.

Dynamical Systems and Technology Project

Provides information on contemporary mathematics, such as fractals and chaos. Includes computer demos, as well as movies on some famous fractal sets.

e-Math Home Page

Home of the American Mathematical Society. Offers professional memberships. Publishes electronic journals, books on math, and the fee-based MathSci database, which features comprehensive coverage of research in mathematics, computer science, and statistics.

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse DCL

Supports improving teaching and learning in math and science in secondary schools. Offers links to other Internet resources. Presents online catalog and databases, as well as a collection of Internet software and information.

Electronic Textbook: Integrated Course in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics

Contains information in the areas of trigonomics, velocity, acceleration, Newton's Laws, chaotic systems, and more.

Fractal Gallery

Presents downloadable color fractal images that show different mathematics problems. Includes the Curve of Von Koch, the Mandelbot Set, and trees, ferns, and mountains.

Fractal Image Compression

Contains links and information regarding fractal image compression. Offers an online bibliography, book reviews, conference announcements, and papers.

Fractal Microscope

Provides information on basic fractals, why they should be discussed, their purposes in the real world, and why supercomputers are necessary for fractals.

Fractals Calendar Home Page

Provides information on obtaining the Fractal Calendar, a calendar specifically designed to show off some of the newer discoveries in fractal mathematics. Also offers previous editions of the calendar.

Fractals Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Contains all of the frequently asked questions about fractals.

Future Graph, Inc. Home Page

Offers many links to math-related sites.

GAMS: Guide to Available Mathematical Software

Gateway to NIST guide to available mathematical software. Allows searching by package name or, more interestingly, by what problem it solves.

Guide to Math Resources

Offers resource jump list to various math resources, including the Latex, Tex, and Maple packages. Also contains jumps to math-related Gopher sites, newsgroups, math institues, and a math software index.

History of Mathematics

Contains biographies of mathematicians, searchable by alphabetical or chronological index (and some include pictures).

IMA WWW Server

Institute for Mathematics and its Applications. Provides the newsletter and back issues of the newsletters of this professional organization.

IMSA Home Page

Provides information about the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, a residential public high school for students talented in the fields of math and science.


Lets you import code into Mathematica. Gives users a way to organize and use Mathematica Notebooks. Also displays graphics rendered in Mathematica.

Internet Center for Mathematics Problems

Attempts to identify and list all sources of math puzzles on the Internet. Lists problems from back issues of the Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences and the Fibonacci Quarterly and contains information about other sources of math puzzlers such as newsgroups and books.

Logal Software Home Page

Develops and markets math software for middle school through college.

Math Teaching Assistant

Contains a math tutoring program developed for classroom computer labs aimed at secondary school students.

Mathematica World

Electronic distribution center and support center for various math-related newsletters, most of which are based on Mathematica software.

Mathematics Archives WWW Server

Provides ftp access to shareware and public domain software for teaching math on the college level. Also provides information and software for people interested in math, as well as links to secondary school software. Includes considerable information on software.


A mathematics computer lab. Features downloadable undergraduate level courseware (designed to run under Unix and Mathematica) on geometry, graph theory, and complex analysis.

MathSearch—Search a Collection of Mathematical Web Material

Allows you to search a collection of over 19,000 documents on mathematics and statistics servers.

MathSoft Home Page

Offers technical support, news, and product catalog.

MathSolutions, Inc. Home Page

Distributes MathTensor, an add-on for Mathematica that performs tensor analysis. Also provides links to resources and offers papers.

MathSource Home Page

Provides a collection of downloadable Mathematica packages, notebooks, examples, and programs. Offers list
of related Web sites.

MathType Home Page

Houses an equation editor for Mac and Windows machines. Offers technical support, registration, and product information.

MathWorks Home Page

Offers MATLAB, a high-end mathematics software package, as well as links to jobs, news, and books. Provides information on the Pentium chip flaw. Also presents products and services and an online copy of the MATLAB newsletter.

More Fractal Pictures

Serves as a resource for fractal images that show the concepts of chaos theory (geared to grades K through 12).

Netlib Repository at UTK/ORNL

Contains a large number of downloadable math-related programs (most of the software is shareware). Contains papers about different research on mathematical topics, many of which involve computers. Also offers links to other math-related databases.

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.

Produces numerical, symbolic, statistical, and visualization software for science, engineering, financial analysis, and research.

Online Image Archiver

Presents math-related images, such as Mobius strips and Kleinband.

Precision Large-Scale Dimensional Metrology/ Measurement

Offers precision large-scale measurement, typically dimensional measurements with .001 inch accuracy.

Principia Consulting Home Page

Offers training on Mathematica; gives Mathematica support; and does custom programming. Lists fees and availability of training. Provides information on fine-tuning performance with Mathematica.

Quantum Books Home Page

Online technical bookstore. Specializes in computer topics such as the Internet, programming, and graphics, as well as in books pertaining to mathematics and physics.

Steven M. Christensen and Associates, Inc.

Offers scientific computing software. Provides information on MathTensor, Schur, and Mathematica. Also offers consulting, which includes porting software to Sun systems. Offers links to Mathgroup, a Mathematica support group.

TMP at Imperial College London

Uses Mathematica to make learning modules for first year university science and engineering students. Provides learning modules for calculus, algebra, matrices, and so on.

Transmath—A CBL Mathematics Tutor

Offers mathematics courseware using Toolbook (hypertext) documents with Microsoft Windows. Provides instruction on algebra, matrices, vectors, and sequences.

Union Mathematica Argentina

Organizes workshops, talks, meetings, and conferences, and edits several magazines in mathematics and education.

Video Vita

Produces “edutainment” products in mathematics, science, and technology. Offers an online video sample.

Waterloo Fractal Compression Page

Provides information on fractal compression software and papers on fractal compression.

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics

Provides links to all things mathematical. Includes jumps to math software, gophers, newsgroups, electronic journals, preprints, bibliographies, TeX Archives, and high school and university math sites.

Última revisión: 25 de abril de 2000
Copyright © 2000 Física re-Creativa