Revistas y Publicaciones Periódicas en Física

AJP/TPT Abstract Search American Journal of Physics y Phys. Teacher de la AAPT
Physics Today Publicación del American Institute of Physics- USA.

Scintific American  

Scientific American - US - Temas de divulgación científica - Excelente. En Ingles.


Nature - UK  International weekly journal of science. Novedades de la frontera de la ciencia en Ingles. 
Science Science magazine - Publicacion del American Association for the Advancement of Science - USA. En Ingles. Similar a Nature.
Ciencia Hoy Ciencia Hoy - Publicación Argentina para la difusión de la Ciencias. En Español.
Educación en Ciencia Educación en Ciencia- Publicación de la Escuela de humanidades de la Univ. nacional de san martín- Argentina. Temas de interés a docentes y curiosos de la ciencia. En Español.
The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics The Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics is the journal of the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma. It is devoted to research work done by undergraduate students in physics and its related fields. It is a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and information by undergraduate students.
Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal - Biblioteca Digital Portal Educativo del Ministerio de educación de Argentina.  Publicaciones de Académicos Argentinos en Español.
Physics in Nature Artículos relacionados con la física publicados en la revista Nature. Nature contents now available on the nature physics portal
Quantum US - Rusia - Expiro en Agosto 2001
Physica C: Superconductivity Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics and NIM - Elsevier Publish.Co.
Physical Review & Physical Review Letters Manuscript Submission Web Submission to: Physical Review A-E, ST-AB and Physical Review Letters
Elsevier Science: Site Search Editorial de diversas publicaciones Científicas, Nucl. Phys. NIM, etc. En Ingles.
Physical Review Online Archive
Institute of Physics Publishing Journals The Web site for physics and physicists from the Institute of Physics- UK
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Sky and Telescope Revista de Astronomía y Astrofísica para aficionados - En Ingles - USA
  IoP  Institute of Physics - UK - Journal of Physics
  JJAP Online Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

Physics Journals

Alphabetical Journal List
ADS Abstract Service
American Institute of Physics Journals
American Journal of Physics
American Journal of Physics
American Journal of Physics (search)
Annals of Physics
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Springer LINK: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
The Astrophysical Journal
Biophysical Journal
Canadian Journal of Physics - NRC
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Communications in Mathematical Physics (TOC)
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Computer Physics Communications
Computer Physics Communications Package
Computers in Physics
Hot AIR: Annals of Improbable Research
IOP publishing
Journals on Clifford Algebras and Physical Applications
Journal of Computational Physics
Journal of Extraneous Scientific Topics
Journal de Physique 1
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Nature On-Line
Nuclear Physics A/B
Physics Letters A, B, with Physics Reports (Combined Subscription)
Physica A, B, C, D and E (Combined Subscription)
Physical Review
The Physics Teacher
Physics Today

Physics in Canada Online


Physics World
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Reports on Mathematical Physics
Reviews of Modern Physics
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
Science On-Line
Springer LINK - Physics Online Library
Urainian Journal of Physics
World Scientific published journals
University of Bristol Library electronic journals
IDEAL homepage


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