Dr. Hernán Gustavo Solari

C.Universitaria - Pab. I
1428 Buenos Aires

e:mail: solari@df.uba.ar
Web place for the: Nonlinear dynamics,  complex  systems and econophysics group


Research Topics

I am interested in a wide variety of topics , although  I am active in only a few of them at any given time.  The list is as follows:

Nonlinear dynamics (bifurcation theory, pattern formation, symmetries, time-series analysis).

Stochastic dynamics (evolution of finite populations, deterministic limit)

Applications to: epidemiology, lasers and surface dynamics.

Ecological modeling. Mathematical biology and theoretical biology.

Applications of learning theory to the trainning of very diverse subjects (from Ph.D. students to Alaskan Malamutes, cats, horses and .... family).

Epistemology and philosophy around complex systems.

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