Física re-Creativa - Sitio Actualizado Vuelta al Inicio
Sitios de interés para niños y adolescentes interesados en las ciencias
Física - Experimentos
Página de la Ciencia para los chicos y no tan chicos-UNLP | Página de la Ciencia para los chicos y no tan chicos-Experimentos de Física, Química y ciencias en general. Muy buena en Español. UNLP- Argentina. |
La Ciencia es Divertida | Un sitio muy popular sobre
física, química, experimentos, educación, matemática, anécdotas,
curiosidades, citas, exámenes.
Contiene numerosos vínculos. En inglés. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1719/ |
Celda de Benard |
Experimentos divertidos de física, química, electricidad,
magnetismo, fluidos, mecánica, para hacer en casa. Incluye: curiosidades,
enlaces, juegos, encuestas, etc. Marcelo Piva. |
Curiosikid | El Museo de los Niños de Caracas ha preparado este sitio, en el cual se presentan experimentos para que los niños los realicen en la casa o en el aula, con materiales de uso cotidiano, aplicando los principios científicos. De utilidad e interés para niños y docentes. www.curiosikid.com |
Fun Science Gallery | A collection of scientific instruments to build yourself and experiments for amusement, didactic scope and education towards science and nature. science, education, experiment, microscope, telescope, optics, instrument, amateur scientist, science fair projects, |
Experimentar | Aventuras Científicas en la Web - Sitio de la secretaría de Tecnología de Argentina (SeTCIT) con experimentos y actividades científicas para niños y adolescentes. |
Simulación de experimentos simples | Presenta recursos útiles para estudiantes, padres y maestros. Al nivel de escuelas secundario y primeros años de la universidad. Contiene un buscador y enlaces a sitios de temas específicos. En inglés. http://www.sciencegems.com |
Proyectos e Investigaciones Estudiantiles del Centro Educativo Experimental "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" -Centro Educativo Experimental de la Facultad de Educación - Universidad Nacional de La Libertad (Trujillo) - Perú. - Interesante. | |
La ciencia es Divertida. Ciencia química física experimentos educación experimentos matemáticas anécdotas curiosidades citas exámenes. Autor Antonio Varela. |
School Net | Excelente sitio del Gobierno de Canadá. Temas de interés para estudiantes de todos los niveles, Primarios secundario y Universitario. En Ingles y Francés. Todos los Temas. Muy muy Buena!! |
School Net- links | Vínculos a distintas temáticas científicas y lista de agencias del Gobierno de Canadá. |
Proyecto 2061 | Proyecto 2061- Project 2061 - Alfabetización científica para un futuro dinámico - Sitio de la Asociación Norteamericana para el avance de la ciencia. Herramientas conceptuales para mejorar el aprendizaje de las ciencias - Sitio en español e inglés. Discusión interesante sobre la nueva aproximación pedagógica al tema. |
Recursos de Física - Física en España - Principales centros. | |
Grupos de Investigación en Física de España. |
El rincón de la Ciencia | Página de divulgación, con formato de revista en la que se incluyen distintas secciones: curiosidades, ciencia e historia, experiencias, enlaces con otras páginas, pasatiempos, etc. I.E.S. Victoria Kent- Madrid España. |
Asociación amigos de la Astronomía Buenos Aires | Asociación amigos de la Astronomía Buenos Aires - Club de Astronomía - |
Melquiades Ciencia para chicos | ‘’Los experimentos de Melquíades’’ Un espectáculo de experimentos científicos - Mangueras, embudos, globos y materiales que están al alcance de los niños, son utilizados en una puesta sumamente divertida, para la realización de experimentos sobre hidroestática, hidrodinámica, leyes de Arquímenes, flotación y distintos principios físicos.La propuesta está dirigida a niños de cuatro a doce años de edad. |
¿Sabe Ud. Física? | ¿Sabe Ud. Física ? Excelente libro de Físico Ruso Yakov Perelman - Compilado por Patricia Barros y Antonio Barros. |
Física Recreativa | Excelente libro de Físico Ruso Yakov Perelman - Compilado por Patricia Barros. Además encontrará Algebrea recreativa, Química recreativa y muchos más. |
Física - Vínculos
Proyectos e Investigaciones Estudiantiles del Centro Educativo Experimental "Rafael Narváez Cadenillas" -Centro Educativo Experimental de la Facultad de Educación - Universidad Nacional de La Libertad (Trujillo) - Perú. - Interesante. | |
EN@rváez | El Portal de la Educación Secundaria del Perú - Una Nueva Propuesta de Enseñanza - Aprendizaje. Vínculos a diversos sitios de interés. |
La ciencia es Divertida. Ciencia química física experimentos educación experimentos matemáticas anécdotas curiosidades citas exámenes. Autor Antonio Varela. |
Tabla de Elementos Químicos | Tabla Periódica de los elementos químicos |
School Net | Excelente sitio del Gobierno de Canadá. Temas de interés para estudiantes de todos los niveles, Primarios secundario y Universitario. En Ingles y Francés. Todos los Temas. Muy muy Buena!! |
School Net- links | Vínculos a distintas temáticas científicas y lista de agencias del Gobierno de Canadá. |
Proyecto 2061 | Proyecto 2061- Project 2061 - Alfabetización científica para un futuro dinámico - Sitio de la Asociación Norteamericana para el avance de la ciencia. Herramientas conceptuales para mejorar el aprendizaje de las ciencias - Sitio en español e inglés. Discusión interesante sobre la nueva aproximación pedagógica al tema. |
Experimentos para chicos | Experimentos, actividades y temas de interés para chicos y adolescentes. Español |
Net Frog | Disección interactiva de una rana. - Inglés |
funcionan las cosas |
http://howthingswork.virginia.edu |
El científico amateur | Índice de The Amateur Scientist,
sección de la revista Scientific American desde 1952 al presente. Contiene
proyectos simples que pueden realizarse en escuelas y universidades con material
muy accesible. En inglés. http://earth.thesphere.com/SAS/SciAm/Index/89-index.html |
Educación en ciencias | Sitio del Jefferson Lab, USA. Programa
de educación en ciencias para estudiantes, padres y profesores. Con enlaces a
otros sitios sobre educación. En inglés. http://education.jlab.org/pcedhome.html |
Science Optics and You | Página del Florida State University, activities are provided to help you investigate light, optics, and color. |
American Association of
Physics Teachers Meeting, membership, and publication information, as well as information about AAPT's programs. |
for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education National Academy of Sciences Information about programs and staff, and a wide array of online publications. |
Eisenhower National
Clearinghouse Find conference information, journal articles, links to sites, and more. |
Literacy Council An independent, non-profit organization, the Council gives teachers the tools to help students develop environmental literacy. |
Mathematical Association of
America News, meetings, publications, and online professional development courses. |
NASA Spacelink Spacelink is a resource for information on NASA educational services, instructional materials, news and fact sheets, and projects and research. |
National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics NCTM lists news, job postings, meeting information, and tables of contents of its journals. |
National Education Goals
Panel Access NEGP publications, progress reports, and data online. |
National Science Foundation Information about funding opportunities and NSF programs. |
National Science Teachers
Association A NetGuide Gold Site, with journals, legislative updates, convention information, online resources, and more. |
National Skills Standards
Board NSSB has a literature database, bulletin boards, and information about its pilot projects and initiatives. |
Science NetLinks Developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Marcopolo Education Foundation, Science NetLinks is an essential resource for K-12 science educators and librarians. |
for All Americans TFAA lists its past, present, and future plans for technology education. |
U.S. Department of Education An award-winning site, with news, publications, grant information, education statistics, and links. |
Ciencias en general - Vínculos
Experimentos para chicos | Experimentos, actividades y temas de interés para chicos y adolescentes. Español |
Net Frog | Disesccion interactiva de una rana. - Inglés |
Internet para chicos | Punto de partida para buscar sitios de interés para jóvenes. Español e ingles. |
The Nine Planets | Tour por el sistema solar. Inglés |
Earth Viewer | Genera vistas de la tierra en sus rotación. |
Terremotos | Ubicación de zonas sísmicas. |
Mapas | mapas del mundo |
Eploratorium de San Francisco | Museo interactivo de ciencias de San Francisco-USA. |
Mas sitios para chicos en ingles | |
Física re-Creativa - Sitio Actualizado Vuelta al Inicio
Science for children
(Mayoritariamente en Ingles)
4Kids Treehouse | Contains sections devoted to entertainment, a playroom, projects, reading, science, and social studies. Site is both entertaining and educational with interactive games and readings. (Ingles) |
1996 Olympic Games Side | Contains Olympic trivia for children, news, event schedule, and general Olympic history and entertaining information. Also features Izzy, an animated host, and his friends and family to guide you through the site. (Ingles) |
AHA! Kids Network | Created by Al Hyslop, the producer of Captain Kangaroo, Sesame Street, and 3-2-1 Contact, this site is an interactive playground for kids of all ages. Contains cute graphics, video, and songs. Features an entertaining section for children 2-5, mysteries for ages 6-12, science for ages 5-12, and a section for teenagers. |
Awesome Site for All Ages | Present witty ClickToons, cartoons for all ages, illustrated children' s stories online, and children' s jokes. Also allows for the making of customised greeting cards online. Does offer areas for 15-95 year olds. |
BigKid Network | Entertaining site containing sections about museums, science, sports, zoos, aquariums, cities and countries, and amusement parks. Also has a fun and games section. |
Child Prodigies | A publication designed to help motivate children to write. Features children' s submitted writings up to age 16. |
Children Page | Web site for children containing many links to other children' s Web sites around the world. |
Children's Pages at WombatNet | Contains links to Web sites for children about animals, dinosaurs, high schools, libraries, hobbies, magazines, museums, news, space, toys, and travel. |
Children's Stories, Poems and Pictures | Contains stories, pictures, sound, and poems. Also features many links to other children' s sites. |
Childrens Internet Site, Upstate SC | For kids, by kids, about kids. Lets kids submit Web art and lets them speak up on the Internet about whatever topics they find important to them. Contains art art by kids and other kids' home pages. |
Colgate Kid's World | Site contains information about cavity prevention, games stories, a coloring book, interesting information and pictures from around the world. |
Cyberhaunts for Kids | Site contains links for children of all ages to visit. Features itemized link categories on space, sound, literature, general children' s pages, sports, communications, art, computer, science fun, music, misc., animals, and games. Great location to start when browsing the Internet. |
Cynthia and Winston' s Kids' Page | Features stories by and for children. Also contains many science and reading links appropriate for children to use in learning more about their world. |
Flitter Adventure Land | Web site for children to play and enjoy themselves at. Contains stories, games, and mazes. Site is both fun and educational and a good place to start young children exploring the Internet on. |
Free Kids Page | Children' s Web site devoted to the entertaining and education of young children. Contains comics, puzzles, educational software, science information and experiments, an education section, and an area for preschoolers. Also contains links to other children' s Web sites. |
FreeZone | Web site devoted to children. Contains games, educational areas, comics, e-pal areas, chat areas, and a home page creator for children ages 9-15. |
FutureScan | Site developed for young adults (ages 11-18) to provide helpful information in their career decisions. Featuring actual career stories, FutureScan attempts to help teens in choosing an appealing career to pursue. Though set up for teens, this Web site welcomes anyone that may be curious or interested in a different career. |
Global Show-n-Tell Museum Wings | Site allows for children to submit their accomplishments or projects to âshow and tellâ about them. Promotes pride and self esteem within children while developing communication skills. Also includes links to other children-related sites. |
Kids | Web site containing numerous links around the world devoted solely to children. These sites vary from educational to entertaining. |
Interesting Places for Kids | Selected as a â4-Starâ site by the McKinley Group, this site contains many entertaining and educational topics for children. Contains sections on getting around the Internet, art and literature, music, museums, science and math, toys and games, movies, and arts and crafts. Also features a collection of art, writing, and other interesting things submitted by children. |
Internet for Kids | Produced by educational consultants, this is the companion site to the book Internet for Kids. Contains gophers, activities, mailing lists, and other information to assist children in their search on the Internet. |
Jackson's Page for Five Year Olds | Site developed for preschool children. Contains activities and games to help with cognitive and recognition skills. Features fun pictures and coloring books along with some adventures of another five year old. |
Katie's Workshop | Site developed by a five year old containing links to other children' s sites. Also features sections on Barbie, Power Rangers, and paper dolls. |
Kay's Kid's Collection | Contains a story book, picture page, and a funny page. Has links to sites devoted to crafts, Disney, games, girl guides and Brownies, family and friend pages, pictures, science and history, television, and other fun children' s sites. |
KID List | Over 100 links to children' s sites that are not religious, commercial, or political. |
Kid's Web | A World Wide Web Digital Library for school children. Contains information in the categories of art, science, social studies, miscellaneous, and other digital libraries. Within each heading, features several specific subcategories to ease searching. |
Kid's Window | A Web site in English developed to educate children about Japan and its culture. Contains pictures, a dictionary, and stories. |
Kid's Zone | Educational Web site containing areas for children, parents, and teachers. Contains games and stories to help children learn fundamental skills. |
Kid's Zone | Kids can leap with Webbie, an animated frog, from site to site. Contains an index of kids' sites, activities, books, cartoons, educational information, games, and other topics related to children. |
kidlinks | Site created by an elementary school in New Jersey. Features numerous links to entertaining and educational sites appropriate for children. Gives good descriptions of individual sites to assist in searching. |
Kids Club | Site for children containing online chat, games, stories, and links to other children' s sites. |
Kids Hits | Contains a large alphabetical listing of sites designed especially for children. Also provides a good description of each site. |
Kids on Campus | Site developed for children. Contains sections about planets and space, dinosaur and science museum exhibits, disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes) weather, butterfly pictures, and many other exciting areas for children to explore and learn. |
Kids on the Web | Contains valuable information for children and their parents to read before youngsters cruise the Web. Also features links to educational sites, games, and children' s books. |
Kids World 2000 | Contains hundreds of children' s links around the world for children to explore. Primarily educational and entertaining these are divided into museums, science, sports, fun and games, zoos and aquariums, cities and countries, amusement parks, and government and politics. Also features other interesting sites and a mystery site of the week. |
The Kids' Place | Children' s Web site containing a pen pal section, interactive area, children' s homepages, online adventures, puzzles and games, fish and marine animal section, and space and astronomy area. Site is a fun and safe place for children of all ages to explore and learn. |
Kids' WB | Web site of the Warner Brothers. This site contains information about many of the most popular cartoons produced by Warner Brother's. Also features sound and video clips, character descriptions and voice biographies. |
Kids' Web | Site developed for children. Contains stories and activities, links organized by topic, software recommendations, children's art gallery, and access to ComputED Gazette (a quarterly newsletter devoted to computer education.) |
KidsCom Home Page | A childrens Web site for ages 4-15. Presents versions in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch. Entertaining site that contains projects, games, jokes, and resources. |
KidsHealth.org | Site contains interactive articles about children's healthcare, medicine, surgery, and parenting. There are fun games, Kids Vote health polls, and Nemours media guide. |
KidsNet | Site developed for children learn computer skills. This is accomplished through games, activities, stories. Also features areas on software, art, books, puzzles, travel, and cooking. |
KidStuff | Contains links to children's sites. Features lengthy descriptions about each site and its offerings. |
KidWeb | Contains hundreds of links to sites appropriate for children of all ages. Also features kid's home pages, a survey, and areas divided for different age groups. |
Knowledge Adventure | A safe and exciting 3D world for kids. It features educational games, a monthly scavenger hunt with prizes, a complete reference library, and more! |
LEGO Group | The official LEGO universe: products, services, Legoland, company history, and recent press releases. |
Link-4-Kids | Site contains many childrens links and descriptions to assist the young surfer. Also features areas for parents that addresses Web safety and offers links to the top Internet security software. |
Maddy Mayhem's Kid's Stuff! | Lots of fun kid's links. A safe Web site for children. Links to penpal connections, fun sites, and more. |
MBG Network | Educational site that has areas for children, schools, and parents. Features pictures and videos of and about the environment. Also offers activities online and projects that can be done at home. |
MCA Home Entertainment Playroom | A safe, fun, and creative place for children of all ages to come and enjoy themselves. Features stories and games that will excite and amuse children. |
Munchkin Lady | Contains adventures, cartoons, and coloring books. Also features links to many popular childrens sites. |
NFL Kids | Site geared for children that contains NFL profiles, statistics, news, and trivia. Also contains a searchable database, index, calendar, and shop. |
Nicky' s Kid Links | This is a place suitable for kids of all ages. Contains different educational material and links to children' s sites including NASA and online magazines. |
Nucleus Kids' Page | Contains many links to sites for children. Site provides sub-categories of education, reading material, places to visit, things to do, movies for kids, TV on the Net, music, toys, kid's work on the Web, penpals, a variety of links for fun and education, products, and links for parents. |
Oasis * Here and There * Kids Corner | Web site for children that contains entertaining games, a picture puzzle, an art gallery, an interactive story, and links to other children' s sites. |
Palos Verdes Kid's Corner | Site developed for kids by kids. Allows for submission of ideas, art, drawings, jokes and stories. Permits online viewing of submissions from other children. |
Pasadena Kid's Pages | Contains a daily calendar of events for children for the Pasadena, California and surrounding suburbs. |
Patricia's Kids' Links | Contains links to many sites appropriate for children. |
Planet Blortland | Visit the Planet Blortland, an underwater adventure for children. While there, children can take a guided tour, solve a mystery, win prizes, and meet an Epal! |
Platypus Family Playroom | A Web site for children that offers both English and Spanish versions. Contains self-reading short stories, singing songs in harmony, interactive activities, a maze of the week, map quizzes, and different family activities. |
Playroom | Site for kids of all ages. Contains links to sites about animals, education, games, homepages, literature, toys, and visual graphics. |
Rachel's Kids Page | Home page of Rachel, a four year old, that contains children software and links that will entertain any preschooler. |
REACH Summer Science Camp | Site contains exciting science projects and experiments for children grades 4-9 and teachers. Also features links to other science Web sites designed for children. |
Reference links | Site designed and run by children that contains reference links about general history, news, weather, and children's sites. Also features a children picture gallery. |
Route 6-16 | An entertaining and educational site developed for kids ages 6-16, parents, and teachers. Contains a playground with areas devoted to games and toys, art, music and books, movies and TV, outdoors and sports, oceans and space, animals, vacation and travel, and puzzles and hobbies. Site also features over 2,000 links. |
The Sugar Bush | Site where children can enjoy themselves and make friends. Offers stories, crafts, projects and fun and educational adventures. Also contains a treasure hunt and links to other children sites. |
Terrific Web Sites | Site developed by The Eastchester Middle School provides both educational and entertaining links for middle school students. Featuring two main categories, academic studies and fun sites for kids, several sub-categories, and multiple directories within each sub-category makes it easy to locate particular interests quickly. |
Tessa's Cool Links for Kids | Web site created for pre-teens contains links to movies, coloring books, pictures, and software. Features both educational and amusing sites that will entertain your children. |
thekids.com | Site features extensively illustrated stories, rhymes, fables, folk and fairy tales from around the world, plus discussion groups, games, contests, and information for parents. Also contains to their favorite educational sites. |
Tristan and Tiffany's Daily Cool Stuff for Kids | Created by children for children, this site features links to many entertaining sites. |
Uncle Bob's Kid's Page | Created for students Kâ12, this site features many links to âchildren safeâ Web sites including news, world events, games, puzzles, trivia, and more. |
Visa Olympics of the Imagination | Art contest challenging children worldwide ages 11-13 to draw or paint their own Olympic sport of the future. Includes instructions to teachers and previous winning pictures. |
Web.Kids | Science fiction site for children. Contains stories, graphics, story ideas, and adventures. |
World Surfari | Monthly virtual tour of a different country. Features information on the people, society, history, and other interesting facts of the particular country. |
World Wide Kids, 'Welcome Aboard! | Site features links to books, games, and other fun stuff for kids on the Web. Also contains some original stories. |
Xplore Kids | Web site designed for children to help them learn about animals, find a penpal, publish art and stories, work on projects for school or play games and have fun. |
Youth Central Community | Site designed for kids by kids. Features children's news, a poster contest, poems, stories, shareware, entertainment, pictures, sports, and much more. |
Youth Connection | A youth-oriented forum that includes sections on art, money, games, and more. Also contains many links designed for children. |
Yahooligans | Web site search engine for children containing sections devoted to history, the arts, politics, computers and games, entertainment, sports and recreation, daily news events weather, and comics. Also features a school section that contains programs and homework answers. |
Buscadores en la Web
Estos buscadores, entre otros, permiten llegar a sitios relacionados con las ciencias. Aceptan varios idiomas. | |
Buscar en la Web |
Física re-Creativa - Sitio Actualizado Vuelta al Inicio