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Shareware and examples of AJP Publications and Física re-Creativa

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Examples of AJP Publications 
Relax1 - Am. J.  Phys. 70 (12) 1208 (2002). Excel Spreadsheet for calculating electrostatic potentials using the relaxation methods for solving Laplace's Equation. Zipped File. Planilla Excel para cálculos de potenciales electrostáticos por el método de relajación. Archivo zipeado.
Experimental study of Bernoulli's equation with losses- M.Saleta,D.Tobia,  and S.Gil - Sent to Am.J. Phys. 2004- Excel Spreadsheet for fitting a theoretical curve to a trajectory registered in digital photograph.
Errores_sg -Excel Spreadsheet with  functions useful for fitting theoretical models to a set of experimental data, such as Chi square for data including errors.
Monte Carlo - Excel Spreadsheet with examples of application of the  Monte Carlo method.
Debye_act65 - Excel Spreadsheet with  functions useful for calculating the parameters of the Debye model for solids. In particular they allow to calculate the  Debye Temperature of solid using de procedure described in the book  Física re-Creativa - Actividad 65.



Usefull Information - Datos de utilidad

Código de colores de resistencias - Resistance Color Code

Efficiencies of gamma detectors NaI (3"x3") at different distances

Periodic Table -Tabla periódica

Tabla de Isótopos - LBL Data Group

Physicsl Constants -Constantes Físicas (complete) - J. Mohr - B.N.Taylor  AIP USA 

Constants - Constantes (short - resumidas)

  1. Programas de análisis de espectros nucleares.


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