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II. The reduction of the equations

We now describe how to reduce Eqs. (1)-(2) under the assumptions stated in the previous Section. To this end we introduce two time variables that take into account the two groups of timescales present in the problem, the fast and the slow timescale, respectively, tex2html_wrap_inline2018 and tex2html_wrap_inline2020 . We introduce this rescaling explicitly so that both T and tex2html_wrap_inline2024 are quantities of order one. We then assume that the concentrations of the species involved in the fast reaction depend on these two time variables, tex2html_wrap_inline2026tex2html_wrap_inline2028 gif, while the rest of the concentrations, tex2html_wrap_inline2030tex2html_wrap_inline1960 , only depend on the slow time variable, tex2html_wrap_inline2024 . In this way, the time derivatives of the s and q concentrations are given by


We also expand the s and q concentrations as:


Inserting Eqs. (8) and (9) in Eqs. (1)-(2) and equating terms with equal powers of tex2html_wrap_inline1990 we find:

To tex2html_wrap_inline2046 :


To tex2html_wrap_inline2048 :


Using relation (7) we can rewrite Eqs. (10)-(13) as:



for tex2html_wrap_inline1954 .

As mentioned before, in principle, tex2html_wrap_inline2052tex2html_wrap_inline1954 ) and q depend on both T and tex2html_wrap_inline2024 . However, due to the separation of timescales, we can first integrate the equations in T treating tex2html_wrap_inline2024 as an independent variable that is held constant gif. We do that with Eqs. (14)-(15), which then can be treated as a set of n+1 ordinary differential equations. The solutions will be of the form:


where tex2html_wrap_inline2068 corresponds to a fixed point solution of the set (14)-(15), i.e., they satisfy:


with tex2html_wrap_inline2070tex2html_wrap_inline1954 ) and tex2html_wrap_inline2074 independent of T. From (20) we expect to find algebraic relations of the form


that define n-dimensional sets of fixed points in the (n+1)-dimensional space of concentrations, tex2html_wrap_inline2082 . Here the main difference between the cases of reversible and irreversible reactions arises. In the case of one reaction of the form (4) with tex2html_wrap_inline2084 we obtain only one relation given by:


On the other hand, if k'=0, then (20) implies that at least one concentration, tex2html_wrap_inline2088 , is equal to zero. We schematically depict both situations in Figs. 1 (a) and (b), where we have plotted the surfaces determined by condition (20) in the case of three species, tex2html_wrap_inline2090tex2html_wrap_inline2092 and Q.

Figure: (a) Manifold defined by the algebraic relation (22) in the case of one fast reversible reaction involving three species, tex2html_wrap_inline2090tex2html_wrap_inline2092 and tex2html_wrap_inline2576 . (b) Similar to (a) but for one irreversible reaction involving tex2html_wrap_inline2090tex2html_wrap_inline2092 and Q. In this case three surfaces of fixed points for the fast dynamics exist: tex2html_wrap_inline2584tex2html_wrap_inline2586 and Q=0.

We discuss the tex2html_wrap_inline2084 case first. Since there are no feeding terms in Eqs. (14)-(15), we expect the dynamical system (14)-(15) to be dissipative. Therefore, we expect the existence of attractors. On the other hand, as shown in Sec. III, due to the existence of several constants of motion, the only possible attractors are fixed points. In particular, we assume that all the fixed points defined by (21) are stable gif. Then, for almost every initial condition, the functions tex2html_wrap_inline2098 and tex2html_wrap_inline2100 will become negligible in front of tex2html_wrap_inline2070 and tex2html_wrap_inline2074 , respectively, as T increases. Which fixed point on the N-dimensional space defined by (20) is initially approached depends on the initial condition (see Sec. III). Given one initial condition, the system approaches very fast (on the fast timescale) this initial ``fixed point'', which is actually a fixed point for the fast timescale dynamics. Then, the slow dynamics moves the system on the N-dimensional space defined by (20). In other words, on the fast timescale, the concentrations tex2html_wrap_inline2052 and q approach the slowly varying functions tex2html_wrap_inline2070 and tex2html_wrap_inline2074 . These are the slowly varying portions of the concentrations that we are interested in. The algebraic relation (21) implies that tex2html_wrap_inline2120 depends on tex2html_wrap_inline2024 (and tex2html_wrap_inline2124 ) through the tex2html_wrap_inline2024 (and tex2html_wrap_inline2124 ) dependence of the concentrations tex2html_wrap_inline2130 ,..., tex2html_wrap_inline2132 . It also means that not all of the slowly varying concentrations are independent, and this allows the reduction of the number of relevant dynamic equations.

We now turn to Eqs. (16)-(17). Replacing the solutions (18)-(19) and neglecting the terms tex2html_wrap_inline2134 and tex2html_wrap_inline2136 in front of tex2html_wrap_inline2088 and tex2html_wrap_inline2120 respectively, we find:


where the partial derivatives tex2html_wrap_inline2142tex2html_wrap_inline2142tex2html_wrap_inline2146 and tex2html_wrap_inline2146 must be evaluated at the fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline2150 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2120 should be written as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline2154 using relation (21) ((22) in our case).

So far we have not talked about the evolution equations for the v concentrations. Inserting the solutions (18)-(19) in (3) and neglecting the terms tex2html_wrap_inline2134 and tex2html_wrap_inline2136 in front of tex2html_wrap_inline2088 and tex2html_wrap_inline2120 as before, the form of Eqs. (3) remains the same, with the only difference that tex2html_wrap_inline2052 and q are to be replaced by tex2html_wrap_inline2088 and tex2html_wrap_inline2120 . This is consistent with our previous assumption that the v concentrations only vary on the slow timescale, tex2html_wrap_inline2024 . In this way, all the terms on the right-hand-side of Eqs. (23)-(24) only depend on tex2html_wrap_inline2024 , while the ones on the left-hand-side depend both on tex2html_wrap_inline2024 and T. Thus, these equations can be separated in two parts:




with tex2html_wrap_inline2184 and tex2html_wrap_inline2186 unknown functions of tex2html_wrap_inline2024 .

In order to get rid of these unknown functions, we multiply each of Eqs. (23) by tex2html_wrap_inline2190 and subtract Eq. (24). We get n equations of the form:


As before, these equations can be separated in two:


with tex2html_wrap_inline2194 . These functions of tex2html_wrap_inline2024 must be treated as constants when solving Eqs. (25)-(26). From Eq. (30) we see that if tex2html_wrap_inline2198 is different from zero, then tex2html_wrap_inline2200 will grow linearly in time with T. In this way this difference will become too large, breaking up the asymptotic expansion (9). Therefore, the only way to keep this expansion well-behaved it is to set tex2html_wrap_inline2204 for al tex2html_wrap_inline1954 gif. We have the freedom to do it. In this way we guarantee that the solutions of Eqs. (25)-(26), on the fast timescale, approach slowly varying functions of time that remain bounded for all times so that tex2html_wrap_inline2208 and tex2html_wrap_inline2210 . This let us conclude that


Setting tex2html_wrap_inline2204 also leaves us with a closed set of n+N differential equations for the slowly varying concentrations tex2html_wrap_inline2088tex2html_wrap_inline1954 and tex2html_wrap_inline2030tex2html_wrap_inline1960 . Namely, we obtain the n equations for tex2html_wrap_inline2154 inserting the algebraic relation (21) in (31). They read:


for tex2html_wrap_inline1954 , with tex2html_wrap_inline2120 given by (22). In particular, from (22) we obtain that:


Inserting (35) in (34) we obtain the equations:


which must be solved coupled to Eqs. (3) with tex2html_wrap_inline2232 . As shown in Sec. III, given initial conditions for Eqs. (1)-(3) we can determine unique values for tex2html_wrap_inline2234tex2html_wrap_inline1954 ) and tex2html_wrap_inline2238 that satisfy the relation (21). These, together with tex2html_wrap_inline2240 , are the initial conditions for the reduced set of equations.

We now repeat the calculation in the case of one fast irreversible reaction, i.e., when tex2html_wrap_inline1962 and tex2html_wrap_inline1964 are of the form (5)-(6) with k'=0. We introduce the two time variables, T and tex2html_wrap_inline2024 , and the expansion (9) getting Eqs. (10)-(13) as before. But now, when we look for fixed point solutions of the ``fast'' system (10)-(11) we observe that there are n+1 n-dimensional sets of fixed points defined by tex2html_wrap_inline2256tex2html_wrap_inline2258 ,..., tex2html_wrap_inline2260 or q=0. As explained in Sec. III, if the dynamics is dissipative, then there are always stable fixed points in some of those sets. As in the tex2html_wrap_inline2084 case, given an initial condition for the system (10)-(11), there is a unique stable fixed point that the system approaches eventually in time. Without loss of generality let us call Q the species for which the concentration is zero at this attracting fixed point (clearly tex2html_wrap_inline2268 for the concentration to decrease in time from a positive value to zero). Then, as before the solutions of (10)-(11) are of the form (18)-(19), but now tex2html_wrap_inline2270 . This implies that tex2html_wrap_inline2272 , at the fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline2274tex2html_wrap_inline2276 , while tex2html_wrap_inline2278 at the fixed point, unless tex2html_wrap_inline2280 , in which case it is tex2html_wrap_inline2282 . Therefore, instead of Eqs. (23)-(24), we get in this case:


if tex2html_wrap_inline2280 , and


if tex2html_wrap_inline2286 . The tex2html_wrap_inline2280 case can be handled as before, yielding the reduced equations:


On the other hand, in the tex2html_wrap_inline2286 case, if tex2html_wrap_inline2292 , Eq. (40) implies that tex2html_wrap_inline2294 varies linearly with T and this breaks down the asymptotic expansion we are assuming. Therefore, we can separate the two timescales for the k'=0, tex2html_wrap_inline2286 case as before only if tex2html_wrap_inline2302 , getting the reduced equations:


In certain cases, a similar (but more complicated) calculation can be done if there is more than one fast reaction. Depending on the number of fast reactions and on the number of species involved, as many variables as fast reactions can be eliminated by this procedure. However, this is not always possible to accomplish and the situation has to be analyzed on a one by one basis.

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Silvina Ponce Dawson

Fri Aug 27 03:50:25 ART 1999