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Rescaling of diffusion coefficients in two-timescale chemical systems. Support notes.

Damián E. Strier and Silvina Ponce Dawson
Departamento de Física
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, U.B.A.
Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I
(1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina.


This is a set of support notes for the paper ``Rescaling of diffusion coefficients in two-timescale chemical systems'', which has been submitted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics. These support notes contain (almost) all the detailed mathematical derivations of the results presented in that paper. The aim of the paper is to study the reduced description of reaction-diffusion systems with two timescales. The paper discusses both a general approach and its application to the Selkov model (E. E. Selkov, European J. Biochem. 4, 79 (1968)) and the ferrocyanide-iodide-sulfite (FIS) reaction (E.C. Edblom et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 2826 (1986)). Although these support notes are pretty self-contained, they should be read together with the paper.


Silvina Ponce Dawson

Fri Aug 27 03:50:25 ART 1999