Recent Publications


* Melina Richardet, Hernán G. Solari, Victor E. Cabrera, Claudina Vissio, Daniel Agüero, Julián A. Bartolomé, Gabriel A. Bó, Cristina I. Bogni and Alejandro J. Larriestra. The Economic Evaluation of Mastitis Control Strategies in Holstein-Friesian Dairy Herds. Animals 2023, 13, 1701.

* Hernán G Solari and Mario A Natiello. On abduction, dualities and reason. Science and & Philosophy 11 (2923).

* H. G. Solari y M. A. Natiello. Normal science and the hidden lemmas of mathematical epidemiology To appear in MATHEMATICS FOR HUMAN FLOURISHING IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 AND POST COVID-19 DeGruyter Proceedings, ISBN 978-3-11-073862-9 (2023) preprint


* H. G. Solari and Mario A. Natiello. Science, dualities and the phenomenological map. Foudations of Scince (2022)

* H. G. Solari and M. A. Natiello. On the relation of free bodies, inertial sets and arbitrariness". Science & Philosophy 9:2 7-26 (2022), ISSN 2282-7757, eISSN 2282-7765.

* Lucas Ernesto Alonso, Victoria Romeo Aznar and Hernán Gustavo Solari. Why is Aedes aegypti moving south in Southamerica? Mathematics (2022). (ISSN 2227-7390)

* H.G. Solari and M. A. Natiello. On the symmetries of electrodynamic interactions. Science & Philosophy 10 (2022)


* H. G. Solari and Mario Natiello. Stochastic model for COVID-19 in slums: interaction between biology and public policies. Epidemiology and Infection 149, e206, 1–15, September 2021.


* Mario A. Natiello and Hernán G. Solari. Modeling population dynamics based on experimental trials with genetically modified (RIDL) mosquitoes (Ecological Modeling, download)

* Mario A. Natiello and Hernán G. Solari. The construction of Electromagnetism. preprint

* Hernán G Solari and Mario A. Natiello. On the persistence of the ether as absolute space. preprint


* Stochastic population model of Zea mays L. R.H. Barriga Rubio, H.G. Solari, M. Otero. Mathematical biosciences 312, 88-96, 2019.


* Victoria Romeo Aznar, Iris Alem, Marı́a Sol De Majo, Barbara Byttebier, Hernán G. Solari and Sylvia Fischer. Effects of scarcity and excess of larval food on life history traits of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Vector Ecology 43 (1), 2018.

* Solari and M.A. Natiello. A constructivist view of Newtons’ Mechanics. Foundations of Science, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10699-018-9573-z

* Natiello, M A; Barriga, R H; Otero, M. and Solari, H G. Multinomial approximation to the Kolmogorov Forward Equation for jump (population) processes. Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 2018-12-07 DOI:10.1080/25742558.2018.1556192


* H G Solari, Epistemic considerations on research about Flavivirus induced fevers. Enero 2017.

* Alejandro Romero, Mario Natiello y Hernán G. Solari. ¿Crisis de la ciencia o crisis civilizatoria? X Coloquio Internacional de Filosofía en Bariloche: La crisis mundial: Perspectivas filosóficas. Bariloche, Marzo 2017.


* H G Solari Recognizing the epistemic frame in opportunity of the Zikapandemic.. Congrès mondial pour la pensée complexe (Les défis d'un monde globalisé) Diciembre 2016.

* Mathieu Legros, Marcelo Otero, Victoria Romeo Aznar, Hernan Solari, Fred Gould and Alun L. Lloyd.Comparison of Two Detailed Models of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics. Ecosphere, (2016) 7(10)

* Hernán G Solari, Alejandro Romero, Mario A Natiello y Olimpia Lombardi. La ciencia administrada. Sociología y tecnociencia (e-ISSN: 1989 - 8487) 2 (6), 28 páginas, 2016.

* H. G. Solari. Recognizing the epistemic frame in opportunity of the Zika pandemic. Congrès mondial pour la pensée complexe (Les défis d'un monde globalisé), Diciembre 2016.


* V Romeo Aznar, M S de Majo, S Fischer, D Francisco, MA Natiello and HG Solari. A model for the development of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti as a function of the available food. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, 311-324, 2015. (self archive)

* M A Natiello and H G Solari. On the removal of infinities from divergent series. To appear in: Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal (2015). (self archiving)


* D. Barmak, C. Dorso, M. Otero y H. G. Solars. Modelling interventions during a dengue outbreak. Epidemiology and infection, 142, 545–561 (2014) doi:10.1017/S0950268813001301

* H. G. Solari and M. A. Natiello. Linear Processes in Stochastic Population Dynamics. The Scientific World Journal - Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2014, Article ID 873624, 15 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/873624. (self archiving)


* Paula Bergero, Carlos A. Ruggerio, Ruben Lombardo, Nicolás Schweigmann, Hernán Solari. Dispersal of Aedes aegypti: field study in temperate areas and statistical approach. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, September.

* M L Fernández, M Otero, N Schweigmann y H G Solari. A mathematically assisted reconstruction of the initial focus of the yellow fever outbreak in Buenos Aires (1871), Papers in Physics, 2013.

* V Romeo Aznar, Marcelo Otero, Maria Sol de Majo, Sylvia Fischer y Hernán G Solari. Modeling the complex hatching and development of Aedes aegypti in temperate climates. Ecological Modellig. Ecological modeling 293, 44-55, 2014. (preprint, 635Kbytes,

* Mario Natiello and Hernán Solari. A Braided View of a Knotty Story in Topology and Dynamics of Chaos: In Celebration of Robert Gilmore's 70th birthday (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series a). C. Letellier and R Gilmore (Editores). (Por aparecer en Marzo 2013)

* Hernán G Solari. Robet Gilmore, a Portrait. Topology and Dynamics of Chaos: In Celebration of Robert Gilmore's 70th birthday (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series a). C. Letellier and R. Gilmore (Editores) (Por aparecer en Marzo de 2013)


* Juan P. Aparicio, Mario A. Natiello y Hernán G Solari. The quasi-deterministic limit of population dynamics. Int. J. Appl. Math. and Statistics. (January 2012)


* Marcelo J Otero, Daniel Barmak, Claudio O Dorso, Hernán G Solari y Mario A Natiello. Modeling Dengue Outbreaks. Mathematical Biosciences, 232, 87-95 (2011).

* D.H. Barmak, C.O. Dorso, M. Otero y H.G. Solari. Dengue epidemics and human mobility. Physical Review E 84, 011901 (2011)


* M. J. Otero and H. G. Solari. Stochastic eco-epidemiological model of dengue disease transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito. Mathematical Biosciences, 223, 32-46 (2010).


* M. A. Natiello and H. G. Solari. The topological reconstruction of forced oscillators. Chaos, solitons and fractals 42, 2023-2034 (2009).

* Marcelo Otero, Hernán G Solari and Nicolás Schweigmann. A stochastic spatial dynamical model for Aedes aegypti. Mathematical Biosciences, 223, 32-46 (2010).
* Mario A. Natiello and H. G. Solari. The User's Approach to Topological Methods in 3-D Dynamical Systems. World Publisher, ISBN 13-978-081-370-280-4 (127 pages).

* M.A. Natiello and H.G. Solari,
Blowing-up of deterministic fixed points in stochastic population dynamics. Mathematical BiosciencesDOI, 2007.
M. A. Natiello and H. G. Solari. Considerations on the Education of Prospective Scientists: The Learning Contract and the Social Curriculum (EARLI, ). pdf 158567bytes

See also: EARLI Mario A Natiello and Hernán G Solari. Changes in the meaning of mathematical correctness during the enculturation of graduate students in physics: conflicts and tensions. Agosto de 2007. %20Budapest %202007.pdf

* J. P. Aparicio, H. G. Solari y N. A. Bonino. Perspectivas Teóricas Sobre la Dinámica de la Mixomatosis con Aplicaciones en Control Biológico. Ecología Austral 16, 15-28 (2006).
* M Otero, H. G. Solari and N. Schweigmann. A stochastic population dynamics model for Aedes aegypti: formulation and application to a city with temperate climate. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68, 1945-1974 (2006).
* Marcos F. Castez, Roberto C. Salvarezza and Hernán G. Solari. Modeling growth from the vapor and thermal annealing on micro/nano patterned substrates. Physical Review E 73, 011607, 2006.

* H. G. Solari y M. A. Natiello.
Minimal Periodic Orbit Structure of 2-Dimensional Homeomorphisms. Journal of Nonlinear Science 15(3), 183-222, 2005. pdf 406172bytes
* Marcos F. Castez, Mariano H. Fonticelli, Omar Azzaroni, Luis Vázquez, Roberto C. Salvarezza y Hernán G. Solari.
Pattern preserving deposition: experimental results and modeling. Applied Physics Letters, 87, 123104, 2005.

* J. P. Aparicio, Hernán G Solari and Never Bonino.
Competition and coexistence in host-parasite systems: the myxomatosis case. Population Ecology 46, 71-85 (2004).  pdf 417499bytes
* Marcos F. Castez Roberto C. Salvarezza Hernán G. Solari.
Probing Universality classes in Solid-on-Solid deposition. Phys. Rev. E70, 011606 (2004). pdf 512686bytes

* H. G. Solari y M. A. Natiello.
Stochastic population dynamics: the Poisson approximation. Physical Review E 67 031918 (2003).  pdf 175317bytes
* Marcos F. Castez, Bárbara Blum, Roberto C. Salvarezza and Hernán G. Solari.
Dynamics of solid growth under gravitational field: Influence of the formation of a diffusive layer. Physical Review E 67, 061605 (2003).  pdf 130255bytes

* Pablo F. J. de Leon, Ezequiel V. Albano, R. C. Salvarezza, and H. G. Solari. I
nterface dynamics for copper electrodeposition: The role of organic additives in the growth mode. Physical Review E 66, 042601 (2002).  pdf 68963bytes

* J. P. Aparicio and H. G. Solari. S
ustained oscillations in stochastic systems. Mathematical Biosciences 169, 15-25 (2001).  pdf 1246825bytes
* J. P. Aparicio and H. G. Solari.
Population dynamics: a Poissonian approximation and its relation to the Langevin method. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4183-4186 (2001). pdf 80657bytes
*  Alejandro A. Duarte and Hernán G. Solari.
The Slowly Varying Envelop Approximation in the Laser with Optical Feedback. Phys. Rev. A 64 33803, (2001).  pdf 80186bytes
* M. G. Zimmermann, M. A. Natiello and H. G. Solari.
Global bifurcations in a Laser with injected signal: beyond Adler's approximation, Chaos 11, 500-513 (2001).  pdf 838298bytes
A. A. Duarte and H. G. Solari. Stability properties of the monochromatic spectrum in a double-cavity laser. Phys. Rev. A60, 2403-2412 (1999).  pdf 160387bytes

A. Duarte and H. G. Solari. The metamorphosis of the monochromatic spectrum in a double-cavity laser as a function of the feedback rate. Phys. Rev. A
58 614-619 (1998).  pdf 159955bytes

Preprints (available from the authors):

* M. L. Fernández, M. J. Otero, N. Schweigmann y H. G. Solari. Eco-epidemiological modeling of Aedes aegypti­borne diseases. Case study:

yellow fever in Buenos Aires 1870-1871. (2010)

* Paula Bergero, Carlos A. Ruggerio, Ruben Lombardo, Nicolás Schweigmann, Hernán Solari. Dispersal of Aedes aegypti: field study in temperate areas and statistical approach. (2011)

* D. Barmak, C. Dorso, M. Otero y H. G. Solari Modelling interventions during a dengue outbreak. (2012).

* Linear Processes in Stochastic Population Dynamics: Theory and Application to Insect Development. Mario A. Natiello y Hernán G Solari. (2013).

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