IAFE: Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina | +541 (1) 528-57874 | |
UBA: Departmento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina | +541 (1) 4-576-3390 (#802) |
Publications:C.C. Montanaria, S. Segui, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, "L- and M-subshell ionization cross-sections of heavy atoms by electron and proton impact", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 554, 165440 (2024).
Wenmin Zhang, Ling Zhang, Yunxin Cheng, Shigeru Morita, Hui Sheng, Darío Mitnik, Youwen Sun, Zhengxiong Wang, Yuqi Chu, Ailan Hu, Yinxian Jie, and Haiqing Liu, "First observation of edge impurity behavior with n = 1 RMP application in EAST L-mode plasma", Nucl. Fusion 64, 086004 (2024).
J. Trincavelli, G. Castellano, S. Segui, Silvina Limandri, M. del Rosario Torres Deluigi, C. Montanari, D. Mitnik, and A. Carreras, "Revisiting M-shell binding energies for elements with 72 < Z < 83", Phys. Rev. A 109, 042804 (2024).
Fengling Zhang, Ling Zhang, Wenming Zhang, Yunxin Cheng, Ailan Hu, Xiaobin Ding, Shigeru Morita, Zhengwei Li, Zhen Zhou, Yiming Cao, Jiuyang Ma, Zhehao Xu, Lang Xu, Chengxi Zhou, Yinxian Jie, and Darío Mitnik, "Line identification of extreme ultraviolet spectra from aluminum ions in EAST Tokamak plasmas", Phys. Scr. 99, 025615 (2024).
J.I. Peralta, M.C. Vieytes, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, "Modeling the Mg I from the NUV to MIR. II. Testing stellar models", Astr. & Astroph. 676, A18 (2023).
J.P. Peralta, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, and C.C. Montanari, "Systematic study of the stopping power of the lanthanides", Phys. Rev. A 107, 052809 (2023).
F. Bivort Haiek, A.M.P. Mendez, C.C. Montanari, and D.M. Mitnik,, "ESPNN: A novel electronic stopping power neural-network code built on the IAEA stopping power database. I. Atomic targets", J. Appl. Phys. 132, 245103 (2022).
A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, and C.C. Montanari, "The electronic stopping power of heavy targets", Jack Sabin, Scientist and Friends, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 85), p. 157-175 (2022).
J.I. Peralta, M.C. Vieytes, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, "Modeling the Mg I from the NUV to MIR. I The solar case", Astr. & Astroph. 657, A108 (2022).
S. Chatterjee, S. Kumar, S. Kumar, M. Oswal, B. Mohanty, D. Mehta, D. Mitra, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, C.C. Montanari, L. Sarkadi, and T. Nandi, "Understanding the mechanisms of L-shell x-ray emission from Os atoms bombarded by 4-6 MeV/u fluorine ion", Phys. Scr. 97, 045405 (2022).
D.M. Mitnik, A.L. Frapiccini, and L.U. Ancarani, "Generalized Sturmian Functions in prolate spheroidal coordinates: Continuum states", New Electron Correlation Methods and their Applications, and Use of Atomic Orbitals with Exponential Asymptotes, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 83), p. 239-253 (2021).
E.L. Gaggioli, D.M. Mitnik, and O.P. Bruno "Skin effect in neutron transport theory", Phys. Rev. E 104, L032801 (2021).
A.L. Frapiccini and D.M. Mitnik, "Study of hydrogen confined in onion shells", Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 41 (2021).
D.M. Mitnik, F.A. López, and L.U. Ancarani, "Generalized Sturmian Functions in prolate spheroidal coordinates", Molec. Phys. e1881179 (2021).
D.M. Mitnik and S.A.H. Mitnik, "Wavefunctions from energies: Applications in simple potentials", J. Math. Phys. 61, 062101 (2020).
C.C. Montanari, P.A. Miranda, E. Alves, A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, J.E. Miraglia, R. Correa, J. Wachter, M. Aguilera, N. Catarino, and R.C. da Silva, "Stopping power of hydrogen in hafnium and the importance of relativistic 4f electrons", Phys. Rev. A 101, 062701 (2020).
L. Fernández-Menchero, A.C Comroy, C.P. Ballance, N.R. Badnell, D.M. Mitnik, T.W. Gorczyca, and M.J. Seaton, "PSTGF: time-independent R-matrix atomic electron-impact code", Comp. Phys. Commun. 256, 107489 (2020).
M. Oswal, S. Kumar, U. Singh, G. Singh, K.P. Singh, D. Mehta, A. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, C.C. Montanari, D. Mitra, and T. Nandi, "Experimental and theoretical L-shell ionization cross sections of heavy atoms by impact of Si ions", Rad. Phys. and Chem. 176, 108809 (2020).
A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, and J.E. Miraglia, "Collision processes using effective potentials", State of The Art of Molecular Electronic Structure Computations: Correlation Methods, Basis Sets and More, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 79), p. 179-200 (2019).
D.M. Mitnik, A.M.P. Mendez, and J.E. Miraglia "Reply to 'Comment on `Depurated Inversion Method for Orbital-Specific Exchange Potentials", Int J Quantum Chem. e26102.(2019).
E.L. Gagiolli, O.P. Bruno, and D.M. Mitnik, "Light transport with the equation of radiative transfer: The Fourier Continuation - Discrete Ordinates (FC-DOM) Method", Jour. Quant. Spec. & Rad. Transf. 236, 106589 (2019).
A.M.P. Mendez, C.C. Montanari, and D.M. Mitnik, "Relativistic atomic structure calculations of heavy targets for inelastic collisions", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 460, 114 (2019).
Alejandra M.P. Mendez, Dario M. Mitnik, and Jorge E. Miraglia, "Local Effective Hartree-Fock Potentials Obtained by the Depurated Inversion Method", Novel Electronic Structure Theory: General Innovations and Strongly Correlated Systems, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 76), p. 117-131 (2018).
M. Oswal, Sunil Kumar, Udai Singh, G. Singh, K.P. Singh, D. Mehta, D. Mitnik, C.C. Montanari, T. Nandi, " L x-ray production cross sections in high-Z atoms by 3-5 MeV/u silicon ions", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 416, 110 (2018).
M.J. Ambrosio, L.U. Ancarani, A.I. Gómez, E.L. Gaggioli, D.M. Mitnik, and G. Gasaneo, "Double ionization of helium by proton impact: from intermediate to high momentum transfer", Eur. Phys. J. D. 71, 127 (2017).
C.A. Ríos Rubiano, R. Della Picca, V.M. Silkin, D.M. Mitnik, and M.S. Gravielle, "Induced-field enhancement of band-structure effects in photoelectron spectra from Al surfaces by ultrashort laser pulses", Phys. Rev. A 95, 033401 (2017).
M.J. Ambrosio, L.U. Ancarani, A.I. Gómez, G. Gasaneo and D.M. Mitnik, "Beat structure in the solution of scattering problems with nondecaying sources", Eur. Phys. J. D. 71, 54 (2017).
A.L. Frapiccini, G. Gasaneo and D.M. Mitnik, "Generalized Sturmians in the time-dependent frame: effect of a fullerene confining potential", Eur. Phys. J. D. 71, 40 (2017). See "EPJ D Highlight: Ionization mechanism of captive atoms struck by light matter".
A. Abdouraman, A.L. Frapiccini, A. Hamido, F. Mota-Furtado, P.F. O'Mahony, D. Mitnik, G. Gasaneo, and B. Piraux, "Sturmian bases for two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates", J. Phys. B 49, 235005 (2016).
A.I. Gómez, G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik, M.J. Ambrosio, and L.U. Ancarani, "Benchmark for two-photon ionization of atoms with generalized Sturmian functions", Eur. Phys. J. D 70, 207 (2016).
A.M.P. Mendez, D.M. Mitnik, and J.E. Miraglia, "Depurated inversion method for orbital-specific exchange potentials", Int. J. Quantum. Chem. 116, 1882 (2016).
R.C. Fadanelli, C.D. Nascimiento, C.C. Montanari, J.C. Aguiar, D. Mitnik, A. Turos, E. Guziewicz, and M. Behar, "Stopping and straggling of H and He in ZnO", Eur. Phys. J. D 70, 178 (2016).
M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, A. Dorn, L.U. Ancarani, and G. Gasaneo, "Double ionization of helium by 2-keV electrons in equal- and unequal-energy configurations", Phys. Rev. A 93, 032705 (2016).
C.M. Granados-Castro, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gasaneo, and D.M. Mitnik, "A Sturmian approach to photoionization of molecules", Electron Correlation in Molecules -- ab initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 73), p. 3-57 (2016).
M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, G. Gasaneo, J.M. Randazzo, A.S. Kadyrov, D.V. Fursa, and I. Bray, "Convergent close coupling versus the generalized Sturmian function approach: Wave-function analysis", Phys. Rev. A 92, 052518 (2015).
M.J. Ambrosio, D.M. Mitnik, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gasaneo, and E.L. Gaggioli, "Double ionization of helium by proton impact: A generalized-Sturmian approach", Phys. Rev. A 92, 042704 (2015).
J.M. Randazzo, D. Mitnik, G. Gasaneo, L.U. Ancarani, and F.D. Colavecchia, "Double photoionization of helium: a Generalized Sturmian approach", Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 189 (2015).
J.C. Aguiar, D. Mitnik, and H.O. Di Rocco, "Electron momentum density and Compton profile by a semi-empirical approach", J. of Phys. and Chem. of Sol. 83, 64 (2015).
M.J. Ambrosio, F.D. Colavecchia, G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik, and L.U. Ancarani, "Double ionization of helium by fast electrons with the Generalized Sturmian Functions method", J. Phys. B 48, 055204 (2015).
M.J. Ambrosio, F.D. Colavecchia, D.M. Mitnik, and G. Gasaneo, "Discrepancy between theory and experiment in double ionization of helium by fast electrons", Phys. Rev. A 91, 012704 (2015).
C.M. Granados-Castro, L.U. Ancarani,G. Gasaneo, and D.M. Mitnik, "Sturmian approach to single photoionization of CH4" Few-Body Syst. 55, 1029 (2014).
M.J. Ambrosio, L.U. Ancarani, D.M. Mitnik, F.D. Colavecchia, and G. Gasaneo, "A generalized Sturmian treatment of (e,3e) processes described as a Three-body Coulomb problem", Few-Body Syst. 55, 825 (2014).
S.P. Limandri, R.C. Fadanelli, L.C.C.M. Nagamine, J.M. Fernández-Varea, N.R. Arista, I. Abril, R. García-Molina, C.C. Montanari, J.C. Aguiar, D. Mitnik, J.E. Miraglia, and M. Behar, "Stopping cross sections of TiO2 for H and He ions", Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 194 (2014).
D. M. Mitnik, G. Gasaneo, L. U. Ancarani, and M.J. Ambrosio, "Collision problems treated with the Generalized Hyperspherical Sturmian method", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 488, 012049 (2014).
G. Gasaneo, L.U. Ancarani, D.M. Mitnik, J.M. Randazzo, A.L. Frapiccini, and F.D. Colavecchia, "Three-Body Coulomb Problems with Generalized Sturmian Functions", Molecular Electronic Structure Theory, (Serial Title: Advances in Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 67), p. 153-216 (2013).
G. Gasaneo, D. M. Mitnik, J. M. Randazzo, L. U. Ancarani, and F. D. Colavecchia, "S-model calculations for high-energy-electron-impact double ionization of helium", Phys. Rev. A 87, 042707 (2013).
J. C. Aguiar, H. O. Di Rocco, and D. M. Mitnik, "Experimental Compton profiles of Be, Al and Ti and comparisons to generalized gradient approximation calculations", J. of Phys. and Chem. of Solids 74, 1341 (2013).
D. M. Mitnik, G. Gasaneo, and L. U. Ancarani, "Use of generalized hyperspherical Sturmian functions for a three-body break-up model problem", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 015202 (2013).
L. U. Ancarani, G. Gasaneo, D. M. Mitnik, "An analytically solvable three-body break-up model problem in hyperspherical coordinates", Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 270 (2012).
C.A. Rios Rubiano, M.S. Gravielle, D. M. Mitnik, and V.M. Silkin, "Band--structure effects in photoelectron--emission spectra from metal surfaces", Phys. Rev. A 85, 043422 (2012).
G. Gasaneo, L.U. Ancarani, and D. M. Mitnik, "On the applicability of the exterior complex scaling method for scattering problems including Coulombic potentials", Eur. Phys. J. D 66, 91 (2012).
C.C. Montanari, D. M. Mitnik, and J.E. Miraglia, "A collective model for inner shell ionization of very heavy targets", Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 166, 338-345 (2011).
D. M. Mitnik, F. D. Colavecchia, G. Gasaneo, J. M. Randazzo, "Computational methods for Generalized Sturmans basis", Comp. Phys. Comm. 182, 1145-1155 (2011).
F.D. Colavecchia, G. Gasaneo, and D. Mitnik, "Double Photoionization of Endohedrally Confined Atoms", Jour. of At. Mol. and Opt. Phys. 2011, 817034 (2011).
A.E. Garriz, A. Sztrajman, and D. Mitnik, "Running into trouble with the time-dependent propagation of a wavepacket", Eur. J. Phys. 31, 785-799 (2010).
K.V. Rodriguez, L.U. Ancarani, G. Gasaneo, and D.M. Mitnik, "Ground state for two-electron and electron-muon three-body atomic systems", Int. Jour. Quant. Chem. 110, 1820-1832 (2010).
G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik, A.L. Frapiccini, F.D. Colavecchia, and J.M. Randazzo "Theory of Hyperespherical Sturmians for Three-Body Reactions", J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 14573-14582 (2009).
K.V. Rodriguez, Y.V. Gonzalez, G. Gasaneo, L.U. Ancarani, and D.M. Mitnik, "Accurate ground state wavefunctions for several three-body systems", Hyperf. Interact. 193, 147 (2009).
C.C. Montanari, D.M. Mitnik, C.D. Archubi, and J.E. Miraglia, "Energy loss of protons in W using fully relativistic calculations and mean excitation energies of W, Au, Pb, and Bi", Phys. Rev. A80, 012901 (2009).
C.C. Montanari, C.D. Archubi, D.M. Mitnik, and J.E. Miraglia, "Energy loss of protons in Au, Pb, and Bi using relativistic wave functions", Phys. Rev. A79, 032903 (2009).
D.M. Mitnik, J. Randazzo, and G. Gasaneo, "Endohedrally confined helium: Study of mirror collapses", Phys. Rev. A78, 062501 (2008).
D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, D.M. Mitnik and J.C. Berengut, "Dirac R-matrix calculations of electron-impact excitation of neon--like krypton", J. Phys. B 41, 215201 (2008).
K.V. Rodriguez, G. Gasaneo, and D. M. Mitnik, "Accurate and simple wavefunctions for the helium isoelectronic sequence with correct cusp conditions", J. Phys. B 40, 3923--3939 (2007).
M. N. Faraggi, M. S. Gravielle, and D. M. Mitnik, "Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with metal surfaces: Impulsive jellium-Volkov approximation versus the solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation", Phys. Rev. A 76, 012903 (2007). Also selected by Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 6, Issue 8, Aug (2007) .
A.L. Frapiccini, G. Gasaneo, F. D. Colavecchia, and D. Mitnik, "Sturmian functions in a L2 basis: critical nuclear charge for N-electron atoms", J. El. Spectr. and Rel. Phen. 161, 199-203 (2007).
K.V. Rodriguez, G. Gasaneo, D.M. Mitnik and J.E. Miraglia, "Hylleraas-like functions with correct cusp conditions: K-shell electrons for neutral atoms", J. El. Spectr. and Rel. Phen. 161, 204-206 (2007).
D.M. Mitnik, "Helium atom in a box: a fully quantal solution", Nucl. Phys. A 790, 784c-787c (2007).
M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, S.D. Loch, J.C. Berengut, T. Topcu, J. Colgan, M. Foster, D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, D.R. Schultz, T. Minami, N.R. Badnell, M.C. Witthoeft, D.R. Plante, D.M. Mitnik, J.A. Ludlow and U. Kleiman, "The time-dependent close-coupling method for atomic and molecular collision processes", J. Phys. B 40 , R39-R60 (2007).
N.R. Badnell, M.A. Bautista, K.A. Berrington, V.M. Burke, K. Butler, M.E. Galavis, M. Graziani, D.C. Griffin, D.J. Lennon, C. Mendoza, D.M. Mitnik, J.C. Pelan, A.K. Pradhan, H.E. Saraph, P.J. Storey, J.A. Tully, C.J. Zeippen, and H.L. Zhang, "Iron Project: atomic data for IR lines", Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond (Proceedings IAU Symposium 234, 211-218, Hawaii, USA, 2007).
S.D. Loch, J. Colgan, M.C. Witthoeft, M.S. Pindzola, C.P. Ballance, D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, M.G. O'Mullane, N.R. Badnell, H.P. Summers, "Generalised collisional-radiative model for light elements. A: Data for the Li isonuclear sequence", Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 92, 813-851 (2006).
D.M. Mitnik and J.E. Miraglia, "Simple correlated wavefunctions for the K-shell electrons of neutral atoms", J. Phys. B 38, 3325-3338 (2005).
N.R. Badnell, D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, S.D. Loch, and Sh. A. Abdel-Naby, "Dielectronic recombination of Pb79+ via high angular momenta", Phys. Rev. A 70, 054701 (2004).
D.M. Mitnik, "Helium atom in a box: I. Doubly-excited levels within the S-wave model", Phys. Rev. A 70, 022703 (2004).
D.M. Mitnik and N.R. Badnell, "Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas. VIII. The nitrogen isoelectronic sequence", Astron. and Astroph. 425, 1153-1159 (2004).
N.R. Badnell, M.G. O'Mullane, H.P. Summers, Z. Altun, M.A. Bautista, J. Colgan, T.W. Gorczyca, D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, and O. Zatsarinny, "Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas. I. Goals and methodology", Astron. and Astroph. 406, 1151-1165 (2003).
M. Schnell, G. Gwinner, N.R. Badnell, M.E. Bannister, S. Böhm, J. Colgan, S. Kieslich, S.D. Loch, D. Mitnik, A. Müller, M.S. Pindzola, S. Schippers, D. Schwalm, W. Shi, A. Wolf, and S.G. Zhou, "Observation of Trielectronic Recombination in Be-like Cl Ions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 043001 (2003).
N.R. Badnell, D.C. Griffin and D.M. Mitnik, "Electron-impact excitation of B+ using the R-matrix with pseudo-states method", J. Phys. B 36, 1337-1350 (2003).
D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, C.P. Ballance, and N.R. Badnell, "An R-matrix with pseudo-states calculation of electron-impact excitation in C2+", J. Phys. B 36, 717-730 (2003).
C.P. Ballance, N.R. Badnell, D.C. Griffin, S.D. Loch, and D.M. Mitnik, "The effects of coupling to the target continuum on the electron-impact excitation of Li+", J. Phys. B 36, 235-246 (2003).
S.D. Loch, M.S. Pindzola, C.P. Ballance, D.C. Griffin, D.M. Mitnik, N.R. Badnell, M.G. O'Mullane, H.P. Summers, and A.D. Whiteford, "Electron-impact ionization of all ionization stages of krypton", Phys. Rev. A 66, 052708 (2002).
S. Böhm, S. Schippers, W. Shi, A. Müller, N. Eklöw, R. Schuch, H. Danared, N.R. Badnell, D. Mitnik, and D.C. Griffin, "Measurement of the field induced dielectronic-recombination-rate enhancement of O5+ ions differential in the Rydberg quantum number n", Phys. Rev. A 65, 052728 (2002).
D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, and M.S. Pindzola "Time-dependent close-coupling calculations of dielectronic capture in He", Phys. Rev. Letters 88, 173004 (2002).
N.R. Badnell, D.C. Griffin, and D.M. Mitnik, "Electron-impact excitation of Fe21+, including n=4 levels", J. Phys. B 34, 5071-5085 (2001).
D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, J. Colgan, M.S. Pindzola, K. Aichele, W. Arnold, D. Hathiramani, F. Scheuermann, and E. Salzborn, "Electron-impact ionization of Sm12+ ions: Resonances far beyond threshold", Phys. Rev. A, 64, 062705 (2001).
D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, and N.R. Badnell, "Electron-impact excitation of Ne5+", J. Phys. B 34, 4455-4474 (2001).
D.C. Griffin, D.M. Mitnik, and N.R. Badnell, "Electron-impact excitation of Ne+", J. Phys. B 34, 4401-4416 (2001).
J. Colgan, and M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, and I. Bray, "Benchmark non-perturbative calculations for the electron-impact ionization of Li(2s) and Li(2p)", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 213201 (2001).
K. Aichele, W. Arnold, D. Hathiramani, F. Scheuermann, E. Salzborn, D.M. Mitnik, D.C. Griffin, J. Colgan, and M.S. Pindzola, "Experimental and theoretical study of electron-impact ionization of atomic ions in the Sm-isonuclear sequence", Phys. Rev. A 64, 052706 (2001).
D.C. Griffin, D.M. Mitnik, J. Colgan and M.S. Pindzola, "Electron-impact ionization of lithium", Phys. Rev. A 64, 032718 (2001).
J. Colgan, M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik and D.C. Griffin, "Total integral and ejected-energy differential cross sections for the electron-impact ionization of lithium", Phys. Rev. A 63, 062709 (2001).
K. Aichele, D. Hathiramani, F. Scheuermann, A. Müller, E. Salzborn, D.M. Mitnik, J. Colgan, and M.S. Pindzola, "Deep-core dielectronic-capture resonances in the electron-impact ionization of heavy atomic ions", Phys. Rev. Letters 86, 620-623 (2001).
D.C. Griffin, D.M. Mitnik, and M.S. Pindzola, "Effects of LS term dependence in He-like ions", Phys. Rev. A 63, 014702 (2001).
J. Colgan, D.M. Mitnik, and M.S. Pindzola, "Electon-impact ionization of multiply charged manganese ions", Phys. Rev. A 63, 012712 (2001).
M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik, and F. Robicheaux, "T-matrix calculations for the electron-impact ionization of hydrogen in the Temkin-Poet model", Phys. Rev. A 62, 062718 (2000).
D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, and D.C. Griffin, "Influence of atomic radiative and collisional processes on the plasma modeling of Mg10+ at low electron densities", Phys. Rev. A 62, 062711 (2000).
M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik, J. Colgan, and D.C. Griffin, "Electron-impact ionization of Li+", Phys. Rev. A 61, 052712 (2000).
D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, and N.R. Badnell, "Dielectronic recombination of Pb atomic ions at high spectral resolution", Phys. Rev. A 61, 022705 (2000).
D. Berkovits, O. Heber, J. Klein, D. Mitnik, and M. Paul, "Photodissociation of the free BeC62- dianion", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 172, 350-354 (2000).
D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, D.C. Griffin, and N.R. Badnell, "Electron-impact ionization of C3+ using the R-matrix pseudo-state method", J. Phys. B 32, L479-485 (1999).
D.C. Griffin, D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, and F. Robicheaux, "Intermediate-coupling calculations of the effects of interacting resonances on dielectronic recombination in a static electric field", Phys. Rev. A 58, 4548-4555 (1998).
M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik and F. Robicheaux, "Electron-impact double ionizaton of a model Helium atom" , Phys. Rev. A 59, 4390-4397 (1999).
D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, and N.R. Badnell, "Total and Partial Recombination Cross Sections for F6+", Phys. Rev. A 59, 3592-3600 (1999).
D.M. Mitnik, J.A. Shaw, M.S. Pindzola, D.C. Griffin, and N.R. Badnell, "Electron-impact ionization of Fe14+ and other atomic ions in the Mg isoelectronic sequence" , Comp. Phys. Comm. 114, 368-377 (1998).
D.M. Mitnik, M.S. Pindzola, F. Robicheaux, N.R. Badnell, O. Uwira, A. Müller, A. Frank, J. Linkemann, W. Spies, N. Angert, P.H. Mokler, R. Becker, M. Kleinod, S. Ricz, and L. Empacher, "Dielectronic recombination of U28+ atomic ions", Phys. Rev. A 57, 4365-4372 (1998).
M.S. Pindzola, D.M. Mitnik, J.A. Shaw, D.C. Griffin, N.R. Badnell, H.P. Summers, and D.R. Shultz, "Electron-impact ionization of atomic ions in the Na isoelectronic sequence", Phys. Scripta 57, 514-518 (1998).
D. Mitnik, P. Mandelbaum, J.L. Schwob, J. Oreg, and A. Bar-Shalom, "Excitation-autoionization cross sections and rate coefficients of Zn-like Ions", Phys. Rev. A 55, 307-317 (1996).
D. Mitnik, P. Mandelbaum, J.L. Schwob, J. Oreg, A. Bar-Shalom, and W. Goldstein, "Excitation-autoionization cross sections and rate coefficients of Cu-like Ions", Phys. Rev. A 53, 3178-3188 (1996).
P. Mandelbaum, D. Mitnik, E. Behar, R. Doron, and J.L. Schwob, "Excitation-autoionization, dielectronic recombination and line intensities in highly ionized CuI-like ions", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 54, 61-269 (1995).
D. Mitnik, P. Mandelbaum, J.L. Schwob, J. Oreg, A. Bar-Shalom, and W. Goldstein, "Excitation-autoionization through 3d-4l inner-shell excitations in Cu- to Kr-like ions and the effect on fractional-ion-abundance balance in coronal plasmas", Phys. Rev. A 50, 4911-4929 (1994).
A. Zigler, P. Mandelbaum, J.L. Schwob, and D. Mitnik, "Analysis of the X-Ray spectra emitted by laser-produced plasma of highly ionized Lanthanum and Praseodymium in the 8.4 to 12.0 Å wavelength range", Phys. Scr., 50, 61-67 (1994).
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